Plus, why food poisoning is so common in the U.S., and more…
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September 7, 2022


It Turns Out There Are “Trump Judges” After All
Judge Aileen Cannon, whom Trump tapped for the federal bench in 2020, threw out the rules to boost his flimsy legal defense.
by Matt Ford
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In this battleground state, Democrats are hoping that Senator Raphael Warnock holds onto his Senate seat and that Stacey Abrams can defeat GOP Governor Brian Kemp in November’s midterms.
by Kevin Lee
We pay more attention when influencers are hospitalized after something they ate. But foodborne illness is incredibly common in the United States. Why is that?
by The Politics of Everything
Are these outlets truly ignorant of the threats facing our democracy, or are they looking to profit from its fall?
by Alex Shephard
One of the country’s oldest fire lookouts was destroyed last year in the largest wildfire in California’s history. What else is being lost?
by Hannah Kingsley-Ma
In Amazon’s take on “The Lord of the Rings,” the hero is a fanatic, ceaselessly seeking out potential threats.
by Daniel Bessner


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