Thank you for a successful 50th ITB Berlin!
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ITB Trade Visitor Newsletter
Dear Sir or Madam,
We hope that your visit to ITB Berlin 2016 has been a complete success.
Now is the perfect time to use the after-fair business efficiently and establish the new contacts successfully. You can still find all the exhibitor and product information from ITB Berlin 2016 at our ITB Berlin Virtual Market Place.
In the following, we would like to present to you the initial facts and figures of the 50th edition of ITB Berlin. Detailed statistics will be available online by mid-April under the heading ITB Berlin/Facts & Figures.
The whole team of ITB Berlin would like to thank you for your participation. We look forward to seeing you at ITB Asia in Singapore taking place from 19 to 21 October 2016 or at ITB Berlin in March 2017.
Best Regards,
David Ruetz
Head of ITB Berlin – The World´s Leading Trade Show®
David Ruetz
Entrance South
A successful ITB Berlin 2016 
120,000 trade visitors (2015: 115,000) travelled to Berlin to obtain information about all sectors of the international travel industry from more than 10,000 exhibitors representing 187 countries. About 60,000 members of the general public visited ITB Berlin on the weekend to find out about holiday destinations and new travel offers.
The preliminary closing report can be found at
 » w w w. itb-berlin. de/presse
ITB Berlin eTravel World 2016
At the eTravel World numerous experts debated the latest developments in digital marketing, social media and mobile travel services. The 17.5 per cent increase in visitors (more than 11000 in total) at the papers and discussions held on the eTravel Stage and at the eTravel Lab showed how important these topics have become for the travel industry.
Now the approved presentations are available here.
ITB is not over yet: ITB Asia takes place in October 
After having just finished five successful and busy days in Berlin, ITB Asia will open its gates in Singapore, from 19-21 October 2016 in Marina Bay Sands.
More information about ITB Asia can be found here: ITB Asia Event at a Glance or kindly contact us via email:
Chihira Kanae
The magnet for the global tourism industry 
26,000 visitors (2015: 23,000) attended the ITB Berlin Convention, another new record. Decision-makers and opinion-formers debated the key topics concerning the travel industry at a total of 200 events which took place in eight auditoriums. This year the focus was on Travel 4.0 – The Digitalization of the Travel Industry which was the subject of numerous panel discussions and exclusive surveys.
Due to the evident willingness of many travelers to spend, the subject of luxury travel also attracted a great deal of interest.
Discussions also took place about the opportunities and risks facing tourism as a consequence of the influx of refugees to Europe. With the first appearance in Europe by a humanoid robot from Japan – clad as an elegant trade show hostess – visitors to ITB Berlin were able to see for themselves how engineers and scientists view the future of a service-based industry.
Selected presentations from Wednesday until Saturday are available online at our ITB Berlin Convention website.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at ITB Berlin Convention 2017 from 8 to 11 March 2017.
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Messe Berlin GmbH
ITB Berlin Virtual Market Place
Messedamm 22
14055 Berlin
T +49 30 3038 2180
F +49 30 3038 2172
w w w. itb-berlin. com

management board: Dr. Christian Göke (CEO), Dirk Hoffmann (CFO)
chairman of the supervisory board: Peter Zühlsdorff
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (District Court), HRB 5484 B (Commercial Code)

Messe Berlin