Televisionation: Friday Fireside: Jo Kinsella, President of TVSquared, Chats with The iTV Doctor
Televisionation: Friday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry.
Pay attention: this is good stuff. This week's Friday Fireside features Jo Kinsella, President of TVSquared, the global omni-channel attribution and measurement firm. Jo discusses their recent deal with Sky, her belief that Covid-19 has focused the television industry on ROI, and the possibility that the retreat from bricks-and-mortar retail (in favor of virtual) could actually make it easier for consumers to make a "buy" decision immediately after seeing an ad, and for the advertiser to finally have proof of that fact. And TVSquared also has a product that measures the cumulative effect of advertising on the purchase decision.
(Note: We will be producing our first virtual TVOT show, September 9th and 10th! Check out the speaker roster here: Purchase your Early-Bird tickets here: