Televisionation: Part 1 - Sinclair Broadcast’s Head of Advanced Technology, Mark Aitken

PART 1 - ITVT/TVOT is pleased to present a new episode of “Televisionation,” our video/audio podcast exploring the advanced/interactive-TV industry in the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Era and beyond.
This PART 1 episode features the first half of a two-part interview with Mark Aitken, SVP of Advanced Technology at Sinclair Broadcast Group, and head of the team that won the 2020 ITVT Award for Leadership in Interactive Television: Achievement in Local Broadcasting. He discusses Sinclair’s ongoing rollouts of ATSC 3.0 and other new technologies, why the company considers the nexus of broadcasting and the phone to be so important, emerging opportunities he sees in the local broadcast space, and much more.

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