Issue 41.82 - April 7, 2021

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TVOT Session Alert: Rishad Tobaccowala on Targeted Advertising

ITVT is pleased to announce the TVOT LIVE! Spring 2021 session, “Speaking Truth to Power: Rishad Tobaccowala on Targeted Advertising.” The session, which will take place on Thursday, April 29th, is brought to you by Centriply.

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Thursday April 29th

1:35-2:05PM Eastern
10:35-11:05AM Pacific

Main Stage
Speaking Truth to Power:  Rishad Tobaccowala on Targeted Advertising 

Tap into Rishad Tobaccowala’s unique perspective on agency, brand and media relevance in today’s converging world of communication. Hear his views on why agencies should take control of audience segmentation as a prerequisite to successful marketing campaigns and not rely on external solutions. By starting the process of marketing that is focused on the audiences, he shares how this generation of advanced advertising professionals can ensure everyone’s efforts are impactful. In what promises to be a highly informative fireside chat, Tobaccowalla will be interviewed by Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor.

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InteractiveTV Today - TMRW Corp. - TV of Tomorrow Show 1147 Naples Street San Francisco, California 94112 USA

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