Issue 42.72 - October 20, 2021

ONE WEEK LEFT! REGISTER (Free) : Centriply Webinar - OCTOBER 26TH
ON DEMAND NOW: Watch this New Televisionation Show!

Televisionation: Butcher Bird Studios’ Diaz-Przybl and Calcote on Creating Interactive Narratives

ITVT/TVOT is pleased to present a new episode of “Televisionation,” our video/audio podcast exploring the advanced/interactive-TV industry.

This episode features Lillian Diaz-Przybl and Steve Calcote, Producer and Director respectively at Butcher Bird Studios, a full-service creative and production studio specializing in interactive and immersive video experiences. They discuss their work—including producing content in the “liquid” environment of an “open-world show,” where plots change in response to audience choices; outline best practices for creating interactive narratives (including the question, “What is the right amount of interactivity?”); cast light on new tools that are emerging to facilitate the creation of interactive content; explain the business case for interactivity; and more.

One Week Left! 

Centriply Webinar:
"Is This The End of Nielsen As We Know It?"


Like you, we’ve been wondering…

Is this the end of Nielsen as we know it? 

Join the conversation on October 26th!

Listen in as our panel of luminaries representing all corners of the media industry debate what might happen if Nielsen, with its 70-year run as *the* definer of an entire ~$720 billion industry and arbiter of “winners and losers”—simply went away.

Or not.

Presented by Centriply, moderated by the venerable iTV Doctor himself Rick Howe, and produced by Tracy Swedlow/TVOT TV, this must-watch webinar premieres on

October 26th at 1:00 PM EASTERN / 10:00 AM PACIFIC /

Registration for the webinar is Free.

InteractiveTV Today - TMRW Corp. - TV of Tomorrow Show 1147 Naples Street San Francisco, California 94112 USA

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