Issue 43.59 - April 29, 2022

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Televisionation Friday Fireside: Jon Giegengack of Hub Entertainment Research

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Televisionation: Friday Fireside, the #1 television industry Webcast, features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry.

This week’s episode of The Friday Fireside welcomes Jon Giegengack, Principal at Hub Entertainment Research. In a world where the more we know, the less we understand, Jon provides clarity and focus for entertainment decision-makers. Our primary topic (one that is near and dear to The Good Doctor’s heart) is how we can cure the increasing consumer frustration over FINDING SOMETHING TO WATCH! We have more choices than ever before, but we literally don’t know where anything is. And Jon’s research strongly suggests that a very large number of consumers would welcome a return to a modified (e.g. less expensive) form of Cable TV (I think I’ve been saying that…). Watch and learn.

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