ITVT is pleased to announce the following Hot Topic Session, which DISH Media will be presenting at TVOT SF 2022 (October 12th and 13th in San Francisco; register here; view the full agenda here).
1:15-2:05PM Dining Room Linear Addressable TV: Lessons from the Experts DISH Media Hot Topic Session
Spending on addressable advertising for linear TV is expected to grow 16% this year, and to exceed $4 billion by the end of 2023. This session, which brings together representatives of two companies that have been at the forefront of implementing linear addressable TV advertising in the US, will draw on their experience and expertise to break down how linear addressable can complement a traditional linear strategy. Topics to be addressed include first-party data and the value of addressable versus legacy linear; the importance of maximizing audience-based buying; how to use data and technology to reach audiences more efficiently; emerging opportunities and challenges; and more. Participants include:
KevinArrix, SVP, DISHMedia
MattVanHouten, SVP of Product, Operations and Business Development, DirecTVAdvertising
InteractiveTV Today - TMRW Corp. - TV of Tomorrow Show 1147 Naples Street San Francisco, California 94112 USA
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