Daily Headlines - Afternoon Edition  |   To view this email as a web page, click here.
Daily Headlines - Afternoon Edition
December 2, 2021

In The Spotlight

Fusion Medical Animation Rnr8 D3 Fnuny Unsplash

2021 Manufacturing Technology Leader of the Year: COVID-19

COVID-19 makes a compelling case for this year's IW Technology Leader.


Top Stories

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Too little inventory means shortages. Too much wastes money. With Enterprise AI, manufacturers gain unprecedented insight to optimize inventory levels and the supply chain. This is Enterprise AI.

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Women Manufacturing Leaders Step Up

“As an industry, we are always working to do more to bring more women into manufacturing and encourage their innovative ideas and transformative leadership,” said Johnson & Johnson's Chief Global Supply Chain Officer Kathy Wengel.


Cybersecurity Key

Cybersecurity Risk Lurks in a Common Industrial Operating System

There are patches for these vulnerabilities, but they are difficult and other measures must be taken.


Hands Holding Smokestacks And Wind Turbines

US Department of Energy Funds Clean Energy Innovations Program

A fourth laboratory site is added to the government’s initiative to develop a zero-carbon economy.


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(Mass)ive Robotics Presence Fuels Innovations

Constantly growing and nurturing a base of progressive start-ups keeps Massachusetts in the mix as a leader in robotics and AI.


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This guide will outline specific ways you can tighten vendor security protocols, create comprehensive auditing practices, and strengthen compliance standards.

Editor's Choice

Cobot Future 220736417

Where Manufacturing’s Been—and Where It’s Going

Three industry veterans look at the industry’s future through the filter of its recent history.


Cadlillac Lyriq Battery Pack

The Whys Behind the 'Astonishing Drop' in Lithium Ion Battery Costs

Investments in R&D on materials and chemistry were key, while economies of scale contributed somewhat less.


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