IT Industry Outlook 2023; Data Manager Careers; 5 Hottest US Job Markets for IT Pros

InformationWeek Leadership careers
December 21, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
J&J CIO Jim Swanson: Current IT Projects and Best Career Advice
Write your own job description and then find that job, says Johnson & Johnson EVP and CIO Jim Swanson, who shared his insights about IT careers and provided an overview of J&J's many IT projects in a recent interview.

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IT Industry Outlook 2023: Trends Likely to Impact the Industry and Tech Pros

IT professionals can benefit from the growing acceptance of hybrid work arrangements, while joining smaller organizations may offer the chance to make a greater impact.
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COVID’s Unsung Heroes Spur Hot New Job Market

Today’s data manager is in the thick of the action, and though there’s no cape, it has become an in-demand career path. Here are the key traits of what makes someone a good candidate for a career in data management.
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The 5 Hottest US Job Markets for IT Professionals

The economy is slumping, but IT hiring remains strong, particularly if you know where to look. Here's a rundown of five sizzling locations in the United States for IT jobs and why.
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  • Firewalls 101

    Choosing the right firewall for your needs can be challenging when trying to navigate the sea of firewall data sheets. Discover how to choose the firewall capabilities that are right for your company among the dizzying array of specifications. When ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Actionable Tips for Managing/Governing Data
Here is a quick look at things you can do to help govern and manage your data in the most practical sense. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Creative Ways to Slice IT Costs
How can IT leaders cut costs when inflation spikes the price of everything? Here are some innovative ideas that might help with overstrained IT budgets -- without giving up the very things they need to operate. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Top Business Needs Driving IT Spending Today
Cutting costs alone won’t save the company in times of economic crisis. So, what will? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Careers: 10 Things IT Leaders Would Tell Their Kids Today
Given that IT is evolving faster than ever, if seasoned IT professionals wanted to guide their offspring in how to prepare for a career in IT now, what would they say? Read More
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