Today in the news, anonymous protesters vandalize the homes of Brooklyn Museum officials, among them Director Anne Pasternak, with anti-Zionist graffiti.
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June 13, 2024

Today in the news, anonymous protesters vandalize the homes of Brooklyn Museum officials, among them Director Anne Pasternak, with anti-Zionist graffiti. These actions follow a massive protest at the museum earlier this month that ended with dozens of arrests and reports of police violence against demonstrators. Our reporter Maya Pontone has more about this.

Also today: Jasmine Weber reviews a new book about James Baldwin, Dan Schindel interviews documentarian Yance Ford about his new film on the history of policing in the US, and Rhea Nayyar chats with filmmaker Su Friedrich in our Pride Month queer elders series.

— Hakim Bishara, Senior Editor

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Celebrating James Baldwin’s Radical Beauty

In God Made My Face, artists and critics reflect on seeing themselves through the late metamorphic writer’s work. | Jasmine Weber


JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film

North America’s largest Japanese film festival presents two weeks of contemporary movies at Japan Society in NYC, July 10–21.

Learn more


Su Friedrich’s Life in Moving Images

“I always had the feeling that there isn't just a single thing to do,” the artist told Hyperallergic. “I enjoy mixing text and images, real life and invented scenarios.” | Rhea Nayyar

Power Traces the History of Policing in the US

Following the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, filmmaker Yance Ford was struck by the question: “What, exactly, do the police exist to do?” | Dan Schindel


Homes of Brooklyn Museum Leaders Tagged With Protest Graffiti

The words “white supremacist Zionist” were spray-painted on Director Anne Pasternak’s residence two weeks after a heavily policed pro-Palestine protest at the museum. | Maya Pontone

Find Your Dream Zine at This Sprawling Manhattan Fair

Hosted by 8-Ball Community and Printed Matter, the East Village Zine Fair will take over a block stretching from First to Second Avenues this weekend. | Maya Pontone


What Defines a Queer Space? 

Queer Spaces: An Atlas of LGBTQ+ Places and Stories records how generations of queer communities have persisted and created familial oases around the world. | Isabella Segalovich


Sidney Felsen (1924–2024)
Co-founder of Gemini G.E.L. printmaking workshop | LA Times

Scott Williams (1956–2024)
Stencil artist | Mission Local

Yan Zhengxue (1944–2024)
Dissident Chinese artist | Bitter Winter


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  2. 10 Exhibitions to Visit in Washington, DC, This Summer
  3. Animal Rights Activists Target New King Charles Portrait
  4. Two Pioneering Photographers’ Versions of Femininity
  5. The Unclassifiable Brilliance of Joanne Greenbaum

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