Fat Tail Daily

Dear Reader,

Hello, James Cooper here.

I come to you today with a stock recommendation.

An urgent one.

And one of the most significant in my tenure as Fat Tail Investment Research’s head resource stock analyst.

Let me give you the background...

It’s now hard to ignore the firing-up of the Australian commodities space.

Explorers kicking back to life...

The Federal Government splurging cash again on certain ‘critical metal developers’...

The copper spike bumping AI stocks from the headlines...

Gold’s bull market making more records, silver not far behind...

BHP’s audacious bid for Anglo American...

You don’t need to be a mining aficionado to sense a train finally pulling out of the station...after years of delays, false-starts and neglect.

Here’s an on-the-the-ground example:

I’ve been following with interest a new world-class automation and robotics-testing facility for miners that’s expanding at a rate of knots in Western Australia.

I can tell you from extensive operational and financial experience in the mining industry....

A project like the Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct (AARP) wouldn’t have seen the light of day even a few years ago.

This comeback by some projections will add at least $75 billion to the economy by 2030.

This is a BIG deal’, says the lead of AARP.

As focus...and money...starts to shift back to Tier 1 miners...startups...and everything in between...


Well, that’s always a matter of opinion.

But I think I have one for you. And that’s what this urgent report is about.

Now, this current revival will not be a surprise to you if you’ve tracked my work since I joined Fat Tail Investment Research.

As you’ll see, I’ve been predicting what’s now unfolding...and laying the groundwork for it...since 2022.

My background in exploration geology during the last mining boom has given me a small advantage.

I’ve worked for major and junior companies throughout Australia and Africa, including Barrick Gold, Equinox Minerals, Crosslands Resources, and Northern Star.

Getting ‘in the dirt’ with all phases of exploration across a host of different commodities...has meant I’ve been able to read the tea leaves a little sooner than your average punt on this new resurgence.

Only now, though...

...are some of the stock plays I’ve seeded in the last year starting to really fire up.

The NEW recommendation I have found for you today...is on a different level, though...

Click here to get the full story…


James Cooper Signature

James Cooper,
Editor, Diggers and Drillers

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