Where writers come
together to create.
eWriteabout January 2024
The Gold Coast Writers' Association is a volunteer-run
not-for-profit organisation.

Our mission is to encourage and support writers from all genres, age groups and levels of experience to grow, learn and excel in their craft.
We meet on the third Saturday of the month. 
Editor's Note

A very happy New Year everyone

Whether you took some time to read a long overdue book or maybe to finish (or start) something you had been working on, I hope you all had an enjoyable (and not too stormy) time these Christmas holidays – and welcome to 2024!

We are starting the year off with a bang, so please join us for the first GCWA meeting of the year, Saturday 20th January at the Burleigh Waters Community Centre, starting at midday. Our speaker, Melaina Faranda, wants to inspire you to make 2024 your most productive year yet!

If you feel ready to take inspired action, we have featured some workshops being hosted by Bookness in Mudgeeraba and also the Rainforest Writing Retreat, and for further inspiration check out the GCWA Competitions and Resources page – there is certainly plenty here to whet your appetite.

And don't forget to check out our blog to find out how the five authors from Hawkeye Publishing at our November meeting responded to one final question, 'Can you please describe the process of working with the various kinds of editors to create your book?'

Wishing you all the very best in the year ahead ...

'For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.'

— T.S. Eliot

Jackie Washington, Editor
President's Report

Dear GCWA members

Welcome to 2024 and to an inspiring year of living creatively.
Many writers at this time of year start setting writing goals and this can be a daunting process. As I speak to writers, I hear their very different processes. Some wake at dawn to write for two hours, other discipline themselves to write a precise number of words each day, no more no less. Others seek inspiration at writers’ retreats, while others still may escape the maddening world locked in their office, at their kitchen table or even at their ironing board, to put words on paper.
It sometimes makes me feel like a bit of a fraud as I do none of these things. I guess I’m not a goal-oriented person anyway, so that type of commitment doesn’t suit my style and I’ve had to be okay with that. My writing commitment is basically – no schedule at all. I have a technical job, so on days I write for work, my creative work carries that flavour into it, which does restrict the writing a bit. I tend to enjoy putting words to paper when they want to flow. No pressure. I feel more confident doing that now having on several occasions written 70,000 words in five days. That’s the style that works for me.
So, the message I wanted to send at the start of 2024 is – do it your way. You are a creative, each creative being as unique as the stories they put out into the world. Try on what schedule may fit, throw it away if it doesn’t, ask advice, seek support but as far as your writing goals for 2024 – you’ve got this!
Can’t wait to start the year with my talented writing community. Let’s continue to inspire, connect and create – we’ve got this!

Kellie Cox, GCWA President 
Create, Inspire, Connect.
Vice President's Report

Hello Everyone

It is with great pleasure and a sense of excitement that I assume the role of Vice President while continuing to serve as Treasurer for my fifth year. I am truly honoured to be supporting Kellie as she steps into the role of President.

I'd like to take a moment to highlight the exceptional leadership of our new President, Kellie Cox. Kellie brings to the Association a wealth of writing expertise and a profound passion for fostering a thriving literary community. Her dedication to the craft of writing is truly inspiring, and we are fortunate to have her guiding us into this next chapter.

As we embark on this journey with Kellie at the helm, I love that our focus remains on creating a warm and nurturing environment, for all our members and visitors. Our purpose is to provide opportunities for growth, learning, and networking that prime the pump of your creativity and skill as well as expand your community.

We look forward to hosting a variety of engaging events and workshops, designed to enhance your writing skills and kindle your creative spirit. Together, we will continue to build upon the strong foundation of the Gold Coast Writers Association, fostering an atmosphere where literary pursuits flourish.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication. Let's embrace this new phase with enthusiasm and a shared commitment to the art of writing. Here's to a bright and prosperous 2024 and beyond.

Jen Swenson, GCWA Vice President 
Create, Inspire, Connect.
The GCWA meets on the third Saturday of each month.

From January 2024, we will be meeting at the

111-136 Christine Ave, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220

Click here for the Google Maps location



11:45  Arrive and register
12:00  Meeting start 
brief announcements
12:10  Speaker Melaina Faranda: Turn on Your Creative Tap
13:15  Tea Break
13:45  Workshop with Melaina Faranda continues
15:00  Meeting close


Members and visitors are encouraged to arrive at 11:45 to complete the entry process so we can start on time. If you have flu-like symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home and get better quickly.

GCWA members: $5.00
Visitors: $10.00

EFTPOS payment preferred; however, cash is accepted.


Meet our January Speaker: Melaina Faranda
& Turn on Your Creative Tap

At our January meeting, Melaina will show you how to turn on your own creative tap to make 2024 your most productive and inspired year yet!
Author of over fifty books and with twenty years as a professional writer, Melaina Faranda is published nationally and internationally by ten major publishers—turning on that creative tap has led to a dozen of those books being written in less than two years. Melaina infuses her teaching with a vitality, generosity, and sense of fun that consistently garners rave feedback from course participants. She conducts creative writing workshops and masterclasses throughout Australia to repeat invitations.

Melaina has worked with ten publishers, scores of editors nationally and internationally, and has invaluable professional skills and techniques to generously share and impart to groups that swiftly become a tribe. She believes learning should be deep, moving (definitely some goose bumping moments), joyous, storied and fun!

Melaina's GCWA free workshop is a taster for her 5-week deep dive course. See link below.

Because she particularly enjoys inspiring, encouraging, and mentoring word-loving kindred spirits, Melaina is offering a special discount to our GCWA members for this in-person evening course in Burleigh (starts Wednesday Jan 31st). If you're still feeling the hectic end-of-year crazy, perhaps this could be your gift to yourself by taking your creativity seriously with a new start in 2024.

PS – if you can't make it in person, she is offering an online evening course, Monday evenings from March 4th.

First Critique Group for 2024

The Gold Coast Writers Association Critique group aims to help its members improve the readability of their work. Giving and receiving feedback on our work can be scary so we will have a strict ‘Constructive Feedback Only’ rule. After a short introduction, we will take a piece to read and provide written feedback. The final 30 minutes will be an opportunity for each person to give and receive feedback to each person in the group.

The next meeting is Thursday 25th January 2024 from 5.30 - 7.30 pm.
Arrive in time for a 5.30 pm start.

Cost: $10 includes a hot beverage.

Please join the Gold Coast Writers Association to attend.   https://goldcoastwriters.org/about/memberships/   

For bookings, head over to the Bookness Events page.

If you have any questions, please email gcwa.news@gmail.com


First Write & Sip for 2024

Tap into your inner literary genius at the original Write & Sip. Perfect for both budding and experienced storytellers, unleash your inner wordsmith with entertaining writing exercises in the cozy, candle-lit Whisky Lounge Mudgeeraba.

Hosted by Christine Betts with special guest presenter Kellie Cox. The theme for our February event is Romance but writers in every genre will find the exercises fun and practical. And remember, Whisky Lounge caters for all tastes with plenty of non-alcoholic options available.

Reserve your spot now for an evening of prose and pinot, prosecco, or pink lemonade!

Date: Wednesday 7 February 2024

Time: 7-9pm

Location: Whisky Lounge Mudgeeraba – Shop 2A/58 Railway St Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213

Ticket Price: $20 GCWA Members /$40 for non-members – Includes drink on arrival (Beer/Basic Spirit/Glass of wine/non-alcoholic), nibbles, and a goody bag. 

Meals can be ordered (at the bar) from local restaurants.

Email gcwa.news@gmail.com to secure your spot and for any further information.

All proceeds from the night will support the Gold Coast Writers Association to help writers from all genres, age groups, and levels to grow, learn, and excel in their craft.

#WriteAndSip #CreativityUncorked



We love sharing news from our GCWA members to shine the spotlight on new work, awards and publishing wins from local writers. Here's just a taste of the success in and around the Gold Coast writing community in recent weeks.

Last month Judy Wollin's action & adventure book for kids titled 'Our Adventures Go Haywire' was published by Turtle Publishing and in these three action-packed short stories, nothing goes to plan! You can find it here on Amazon. Congrats Judy!

And more congratulations go to Lizz and Andy on the arrival of their darling daughter, Della Mae - looking forward to meeting her!

If you have exciting GCWA member news to share, please email our Association Editor at gcwa.editor@gmail.com with all the details.

Christmas 2023

Improve your writing, mingle with bestselling authors and discover today's best writing practices at Australia's most immersive writing experience. The theme for 2024 is writing for children and young adults but all writers will find the workshops useful, regardless of their chosen genre.

JUNE 21st – 23rd, 2024
Cedar Creek Lodges, Mount Tamborine


For more information go to https://rainforestwritingretreat.com/

or have a chat with GCWA members Christine, Selena, Kellie or Lizz
who can be found front row and centre in the photo of last year's retreat!
On Offer Now and Starting Soon
Writing Workshops
and Short Courses 

Short Story Writing Workshop

Bookness is offering a Short Story Writing Workshop on Saturday afternoons in February from 2pm to 4pm on the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th.

For more information, or to book your spot, go to the
Bookness website
The poetry Writing Sessions in Semester One of 2024 will follow a unique and excitingly experimental format, designed to delve into the subconscious mind and break the connection (if only temporarily), with the established conventions of writing so deeply embedded in all of us.
Run on a Thursday evening for 90 minutes from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm and meets once a month. Registration is for a full Semester only as per the following schedule;
8 February, 21 March, 2 May, 6 June, 11 July.
The course will be run by Dr Michael Brohier (BA, Hons, DipEd, MLitt, PhD).

For more information, or to book your spot, go to the Bookness website
Each month the Gold Coast Libraries offer
brilliant workshops and author talks.

Join author and journalist Rachel Syers as she shares her journey of sharing the story of the incredible life of the late Sir Bruce Small.

Locals interested in the history of the Gold Coast will not want to miss this author talk, where Rachel will be in conversation with Ann Wason-Moore to talk about her research and writing process, and her experience on lifting the curtain on the life of a man of great significance to our city. 

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries
Rachael Johns is Australia's bestselling romance writers and she returns this February with her latest uplit fiction, The Other Bridget. This feelgood romantic comedy is ideal for fans of Emily Henry and Marian Keyes and is sure to be loved by all.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


Masterclass with Lori-Jay Ellis - Define Your Genre

Where does your novel sit on shelf in the bookstore? Are you writing Young Adult or New Adult? Women's fic or Romance? Crime or Mystery? Is using 'other' in a competition submission form such a bad thing? And who cares?

Well, your audience does. And then everyone from agents to editors to publishers to booksellers to competition organisers care. Make it easy for these decision-makers to find a place for your novel, or for your writing to find its audience - learn to define your genre and who you're writing for, and use market knowledge to your advantage.

Come to this workshop to find out why the answer is never 'There’s no book out there like mine' – and why that’s a good thing!

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Gold Coast Libraries and the Queensland Writers Centre have teamed up to offer Gold Coast writers a space to cultivate their habit of writing and connect with other writers in the community. Following the Pomodoro Technique, Writing Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are a free, volunteer-led program for local writers at all levels.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries
Yellow typewriter with sheet of paper with the words Writing Fridays typed on it.

Writing Fridays at Elanora Library 
Every Friday 10am – 3pm (except public holidays)

Writing Fridays at Helensvale Library 
Every Friday 10am – 4pm (except public holidays)

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Writing Saturdays at Nerang Library 

Every Saturday 9am – 1pm (except public holidays)

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries
hand holding a pen poised over a blank notebook with the QLD Writers Centre logo



Writing Sundays at Southport Library 

Every Sunday 10am – 1pm (except public holidays)

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Support your local Independent book store.

GCWA MEMBERS Mention your membership at Big B Books
in Burleigh Heads to receive 10% off books.

Angela and David Photography believe every image is its own unique story, a moment in time consisting of both large and small emotions which are shared between all present, employing technical expertise, years of experience, a flexible approach, excellent communication skills and an affordable rate.

In January, Angela and David volunteered their time to create author images for 16 lucky GCWA members. Contact Angela and David on 0487921064 or head to their website to enquire about their packages.

Open notebook on a table next to a cup of tea

Would you like to be a member of the GCWA?

The Gold Coast Writers' Association aims to support and encourage writers of all levels, across all genres. We welcome writers and readers to share their experiences and connect with a wider audience.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the Association:

  • Gain access to the ‘Members Only’ Facebook page where you can connect with other members and find useful writing resources.
  • Promote and sell your books through associated avenues.
  • Receive members’ rates at all GCWA special events.
  • Network and collaborate with individuals across all levels of writing.
  • Benefit from opportunities to meet and socialise with like-minded people in a friendly environment.
More GCWA membership information here ...
People sitting at a desk in a conference room
Come and join us on the GCWA Facebook page and members, be sure to join the
Gold Coast Writers’ Association Members group.

We'd love your feedback! If you have some tips and suggestions for the committee, please email Rebecca on gcwa.president@gmail.com and if you love the GCWA, head over to our Facebook page and give us your 5-star review.

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GCWA Membership
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PO Box 3235, Robina Town Centre Qld 4230

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