Maker Day and Night | Learn to Mend | Humans of OTL | New Facebook Group | Virtual Wall of Fame
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Maker Day and Maker Night


Borrow the tools you need on site without having to drag them home. And best of all, benefit from the expertise and tips of Tool Ninjas and other Ottawa makers who will be there to help you out.

Maker Day: January 14, 11am - 5pm
Maker Night: January 15, 6pm - 9pm

Book a workbench
Repair, don’t toss! Swap, don’t shop!

Bring clothing or textiles in need of repair, and learn how to sew, darn, felt, and patch your way back to useable clothing through one on one and hands-on demonstrations.

Browse used clothing and yarn/knitting supplies while you wait at the concurrent swap event, and bring your own unwanted items to contribute. Hot drinks and snacks provided. If there is anyone out there who can show people how to use our sergers?

We could use your help! Email if you are interested.
Count me in!

Humans of OTL

Humans of the Ottawa Tool Library is a collection of stories from our members and volunteers.  Check out our latest interview with Judy, one of our members and participant of Maker Day!

Read up
We've started a Facebook group!

This is a group for all you makers, DIYers, builders, creators, crafters, and artists in the Ottawa Region to connect. It is a place to freely offer your support, exchange ideas, gift materials, ask for help, lend your tools, or share your projects, and beyond!
Join the Facebook group
Virtual Wall of Fame

We know you've made amazing things with the help of the tool library? We are looking for members to share with us what they have made with our tools. With them we will create a Virtual Wall of Fame for other members to be inspired.

Tag us (@yowtoollibrary) and add the hashtag #OTLmade in your social media post to be featured on our wall or email our social media coordinator Annika.
Do you know anyone else who would be interested in tool library news?
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