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August 13, 2020
Why is Trump’s son-in-law meeting with “presidential candidate” Kanye West instead of bringing peace to the Mideast and saving America from the coronavirus?
By Adam Weinstein
Fear of a Black Uprising

Confronting the white pathologies that shape racist policing

By Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
If Donald Trump Can’t Make History, He’ll Steal It Instead

The Gettysburg gambit is just his latest attempt to appropriate American history and symbology and pervert it to suit his ends.

By Matt Ford
Fox News Is Leading the Attack on Kamala Harris
Donald Trump’s criticisms of the Democratic vice presidential nominee don’t make a lot of sense. As usual, his favorite network is stepping in.

By Alex Shephard
Betsy DeVos’s Plot to Enrich Private Schools Amid the Pandemic

The secretary of education wants religious schools to flourish at the public system’s expense; and she’s doing it under the cover of the coronavirus crisis.

By Katherine Stewart
America Needs Its Own BBC to Restore Public Trust in the Press
Other countries have robust public media systems that produce high-quality journalism and increase political engagement. Why don’t we?

By J.C. Pan
Self-Interest, Wrongly Understood

Covid-19 and the limits of individual liberty

By Win McCormack
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