A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.
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Gwen Stefani (Interscope/Jamie Nelson)
Thursday - July 21, 2016 Thu - 07/21/16
rantnrave:// Good Morning from WASHINGTON, DC. Here to see friends, my goddaughter and get some SMITHSONIAN curiosity time in... I've written here many times that HOWARD STERN is the best interviewer on the planet. Of course, he has a home court advantage. No one is walking in there if they don't want to share. They know Howard and they know he goes there. His mix of humor, intelligence, and self-deprecation is a magic combo. A new one on my all-time favorite list? Yesterday's interview with GWEN STEFANI. I've been a fan since the NO DOUBT days. This was a wide-ranging interview that covered career, family, love, loss, fame, happiness and more. You can tell they both loved it and it was from the heart. In a world of celebrity obsession and objectification, this interview shows the humanity and appreciation behind an incredibly talented and hard working artist. She's loveable too. The highlights here don't cover a very tender moment when they discussed the end of her marriage so it's worth listening to SIRIUSXM on-demand or a repeat this week. I wanted to hug her. You'll love her more after this... Are you pro-business and anti-immigration?... I met ANTOINE FUQUA the other day. That was a bucket list moment. I've seen TRAINING DAY 37 times easily. SHOOTER too. MAGNIFICENT SEVEN coming... The GOP Convention doesn't look like a sell-out. Low attendance. If JERRY WEINTRAUB were alive, he'd have ripped out the empty seats to make it look full... The only way to explain the utter mess at LAX and the UNITED security checkpoint last night is that people were fleeing out of fear that TRUMP will become POTUS... I love UBER but it has a major weakness. Its navigation system doesn't seem to give any crowd intelligence on traffic like WAZE does. I hit a 40-minute traffic jam en-route to LAX that was totally avoidable... Despite record profits, more original scripted series were canceled in 2014 than even aired 15 years earlier. Not only are most of these failures unnecessary, they'll continue to escalate until networks update their metrics and business models for the digital era. The question is, will audiences stick around long enough? Television Has a Business Model Problem. And It's Killing Good TV... Happy Birthday to SAMUEL LESSIN, JON COHEN, DREW BUCKLEY and ANDREW MAINS.
- Jason Hirschhorn, curator
simple life
REDEF Fashion ORIGINAL: With Great Power: Seth Matlins on How Advertising Can Shift Culture For the Better
by Adam Wray
Marketer Seth Matlins on the damage done by advertising that enforces unrealistic beauty ideals and how the Truth in Advertising Act hopes to generate positive change.
The Great Republican Crack-up: How Dayton Helps Explain the Rise of Donald Trump
by Alec Macgillis
Dayton was once a bastion of the GOP establishment. The story of how the city changed helps explain the rise of Donald Trump.
The Guardian
The reinvention of radio: how Spotify, Beats 1, Red Bull changed the airwaves
by Eamonn Forde
Spotify have announced two new shows with presenters. Is this an attempt to steal a march on Apple’s Beats1 and Red Bull’s RBMA Radio -- or is it the savviest way of guiding listeners round an endless landscape of music?
Celebreality Values Have Come Home To Roost In Donald Trump’s Rise To Power
by Michael Hirschorn
From my "Brother"... Back in 2006, when reality TV still seemed full of promise and whimsy and possibility, I was running programming at VH1. The whole gig was kind of a rager: what f***ed up awesomeness could we come up with next that would take reality TV and really rev it up to the next gear?
The New York Times
The Erdogan Loyalists and the Syrian Refugees
by Suzy Hansen
Faced with an influx of Syrian refugees, a conservative neighborhoodin Istanbul struggles with the question of what it means to be a Turk.
Hollywood Reporter
Inside the Saga, Secrets and Sale of CAA
by James Andrew Miller
David Geffen says Hollywood's longtime most powerful talent agency has become "a pimple on [its owner's] ass," but the town's rivals and players (including Michael Ovitz) reveal the truth is far more complex in James Andrew Miller's new book 'Powerhouse: The Untold Story of Hollywood's Creative Artists Agency.'
Dollar Shave Club and The Disruption of Everything
by Ben Thompson
Dollar Shave Club is a textbook example of how the new Internet economy will destroy value in incumbent industries.
Forget Comcast. Here's The DIY Approach to Internet Access
by Dan Gillmor
Spanish engineer Ramon Roca got tired of waiting for telecom companies to wire his town -- so he did it himself.
Scientific American
The Bicycle Problem That Nearly Broke Mathematics
by Brendan Borrell
Jim Papadopoulos has spent a lifetime pondering the maths of bikes in motion. Now his work has found fresh momentum
'Aliens' turns 30: An oral history of Power Loader Ripley vs. the Alien Queen
by Anthony Breznican
It was a showdown between two mad-as-hell mothers. On one side, Sigourney Weaver's Ripley, trying to rescue the little girl Newt (Carrie Henn), the lone survivor of a decimated colony who stands as a surrogate for Ripley's own lost daughter.
hella good
Katie Couric on Yahoo! News
Unconventional: Bob Dole on the state of the Republican Party
by Katie Couric
Former Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole told Yahoo News Global Anchor Katie Couric that this year's GOP nominee, Donald Trump, is a "strong leader" but should "tone down his rhetoric and become an inclusive Republican." He lamented that Trump has not apologized to Sen.
The Fake Factory That Pumped Out Real Money
by Mario Parker, Jennifer A. Dlouhy and Bryan Gruley
Making high-quality biodiesel is hard. Getting paid $100 million to not make it was kind of a snap.
Fortune Magazine
GE's Immelt Says Brexit Shows 'the Failure of Bureaucracies'
by Jeff Immelt
Here’s how he plans to navigate a global trade crisis.
Why the Names of Beauty Products Often Skirt the Line of Good Taste
by Arabelle Sicardi
This morning I have orgasm face and it’s not because I’m getting laid with any regularity. I am, like probably a billion others at this point, the owner of Nars Illuminator in Orgasm and it is mixed into my sunscreen like I am a sexy, sun-averse discoball.
The Uniform of the Male Gangster
by Christina Newland
Few films lay bare the brash, blind ambition of the gangster — or display his fashionable flare — better than Brian De Palma’s 1983 film Scarface.
Sports Illustrated
Can Stephen Curry's signature shoe gain traction with sneakerheads?
by Omari Sankofa
After a record-setting regular season performance, Golden State star Stephen Curry reached the peak of NBA popularity. He led the league in jersey sales, received the highest amount of All-Star Game votes and became the NBA's first unanimous MVP in May. There is one thing about Curry that people seem undecided on, though: Are his shoes cool?
Fast Company
This Is What Your Future Virtual-Reality Office Will Be Like
by Stephane Kasriel
Say goodbye to Skype calls. Here are four ways VR technology is already shaping up to change the future of work.
The Man Who Spent 30 Years in the Rainforest Preserving the Music of the Bayaka
by Emiko Jozuka
In 2005, Noel Lobley-then a DJ and anthropology graduate from Oxford University-made an astonishing discovery. By sheer fluke, he stumbled across a neglected collection of over 1,000 hours worth of sound recordings of theBayaka -a hunter-gatherer community in the rainforests of the Central African Republic.
Outside Online
Climbing Gyms Are the Next Health Clubs
by Gregory Thomas
Hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured into the burgeoning indoor climbing industry. Will the influx of cash help these gyms finally go mainstream?
Nieman Journalism Lab
Here are 6 reasons why newspapers have dropped their paywalls
by Joseph Lichterman
Sometimes it’s a response to a public emergency; sometimes it’s just to build audience.
Are Juiced Balls The New Steroids?
by Ben Lindbergh
Maybe it was the 23 first-half homers hit by unknown outfielder Adam Duvall. Maybe it was when Giancarlo Stanton kept making Chris Berman say " back-back-back," or when Bartolo Colon broke into a 30.6 second trot around the bases.
Powering the golden age of audio
by Amir Hirsh
Audio, spoken word, is humanity's primary means of sentient communication: the sounds a fetus hears in utero; a lover's whisper; a marriage proposal... all leave deep imprints on our hearts and minds. We use sound to accentuate and transmit our emotions; our aural ability is a primary sense that is deeply connected to emotion.
From 2010 Crossroads Guitar Festival.
"Bright Lights"
Gary Clark Jr.
“REDEF is dedicated to my mother, who nurtured and encouraged my interest in everything and slightly regrets the day she taught me to always ask ‘why?’”

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