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The darkest day, if you live till tomorrow, will have passed away.
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Tony Curtis and Sidney Poitier in "The Defiant Ones" (1958)
Friday - July 22, 2016 Fri - 07/22/16
rantnrave:// I'm not on the side of DEMOCRATS or REPUBLICANS. I'm not for HILLARY. I am against TRUMP for POTUS... I completely reject any notion that TRUMP cares about anybody. This is not about us. It's about him and the trophy. You can thank ROGER and MITCH and NEWT and FOX NEWS... It's like I just jumped into a bath of diarrhea and vomit... Where were you when America ended? I was on the couch with a lump in my throat... Oh, great! Crime and violence are over. Done. Fantastic. That's a first. Is BATMAN coming? Using those he cares nothing about to con us... He wins, we had our century... I don't want gold lamé in the WHITE HOUSE... Get ready to be made afraid when many of these ills will never befall you. If you think all politicians are liars. He takes the cake. He's a politician now. Everything is broken. Everything sucks. He's going to fix it all. To listen to him, he hates AMERICA. Just darkness. Small minded criticisms... He is more unfit than I could imagine... I spent a wonderful day in our nation's capital with my goddaughter. But last night was a dark ending to that day for me. I wished an asteroid hit a satellite.... Look what we may have to suffer through because he didn't get picked for kickball when he was little. If you've got anger born of hate. If you want to serve office to serve yourself. I'm not interested. I don't buy snake oil and pandering. We're post-truth now. Are we post-sense?... I don't believe what he says. He's not remotely informed. No details. This is what I think. Or maybe I'm just a hypocrite. Can't seem to reconcile the freedom to hate. It just sounds like me saying be free to do what I agree with... Now onto someone more deserving. Remembering GARRY MARSHALL. Reflections on the comedy, the feminism and the heart of the legendary creator of HAPPY DAYS and director of PRETTY WOMAN and THE PRINCESS DIARIES... Happy Birthday to ASHLEY LENT LEVINSON, SCOTT DONATON, DOUGLAS SCOTT and DAVID NATHANSON.
- Jason Hirschhorn, curator
campaign finance reform
The Verge
Facebook 2026
by Casey Newton
Mark Zuckerberg on his plan to bring the internet to every human on earth
How did Hitler rise to power? - Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard
by Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard
Decades after the fall of the Third Reich, it feels impossible to understand how Adolf Hitler, the tyrant who orchestrated one of the largest genocides in human history, could ever have risen to power in a democratic country. So how did it happen, and could it happen again? Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard dive into the history and circumstances that allowed Hitler to become Führer of Germany.
Inside The Fraternity Of Haters And Losers Who Drove Donald Trump To The GOP Nomination
by McKay Coppins
From political power brokers to the entire island of Manhattan, a varied cast of taunting insiders has inadvertently driven Donald Trump’s lifelong revenge march toward the White House. This is what it’s like to be one of them.
How Roger Ailes Created Modern Conservatism
by David Greenberg
And how Donald Trump upended it.
The Strange Politics of Peter Thiel, Donald Trump’s Most Unlikely Supporter
by Max Chafkin and Lizette Chapman
The Republican Party’s new trade-loving, free-thinking, gay, Christian, antiwar, rich-as-hell, naturalized-citizen, Silicon Valley hero.
The lesson entrepreneurs should take from Dollar Shave Club’s big $1 billion win
by Sarah Lacy
Yesterday, Unilever announced it was buying Dollar Shave Club for a cool $1 billion. In the entire landscape of ecommerce 2.0, including content and commerce mashups, flash sales, and subscription commerce, this is only the second $1 billion exit in the US, and you can count the exits that high in ecommerce since the bubble-- period-- on your fingers...
The Washington Post
America would be Trump’s banana republic
by Fareed Zakaria
Over the years, I have watched campaigns in third world countries in which one candidate accuses the other of being a criminal, sometimes even threatening to jail his opponent once elected. But I cannot recall this happening in any Western democracy until this week.
The Rise And Fall--and Resurrection?--of Beatport
by Jemayel Khawaja
Three DJs set out to create the world's best webstore for dance music. Then the EDM boom happened.
Why are doctors plagued by depression and suicide? A crisis comes into focus
by Judith Graham
A sense of angst was rattling students at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine. One of their peers had taken his life days before. Professor Mikel Snow felt the dark undercurrent and knew he had to speak up. So, for the first time, he told his students about his decades-long struggle with depression.
Fortune Magazine
The AIDS Activist and the Banker
by Patricia Sellers
A Q&A with brothers Jes and Peter Staley. One is now CEO of Barclays. The other changed the world.
candidate airtime reform
As Secondhand Clothing Market Heats Up Online, Startups Shift Their Focus to Men
by Lauren Indvik
Over the past seven years, venture capitalists have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into websites and apps designed to get women to buy and sell their secondhand clothing and accessories online. Now, they are turning their attention to men.
Aeon Magazine
Spot the WEIRDo
by Robert Colvile
Too much research is done on Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic students. Can science widen its base?
Foreign Policy
What Pokémon, Japanese Schoolgirl Punks, and Cocaine Have in Common
by Sophie Knight
There's a simple answer to the question of why the Pokémon Go mobile game has proved so addictive: It's that Pokémon are designed to be addictively cute. The millions of people running around trying to catch animated critters are the latest victims of a cult of cute - a cult that, like Pokémon itself, has its origins in Japan.
Interview: Chris Young
by Om Malik
Chris Young is a rare combination of inventor, entrepreneur and chef. He is the co-author of "Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking" and the co-founder of ChefSteps, a Seattle-based company that invents appliances and develops cooking methodologies befitting the postindustrial society.
Does Using Airplanes to Put out Forest Fires Actually Work?
by Ben Christopher
Flying an aircraft into the fiery maw of a raging wildfire is just as dangerous as it sounds. Early one morning in August of 2001, Scott Vail received a report of a fire burning in an isolated corner of California's Eldorado National Forest.
The Hardball Times
The Physics of Catchers' Knees
by David Kagan
Deep knee bends for a second or two ten times every evening is probably good for you. However, crouching behind the plate for five to ten seconds about one hundred and fifty times a night can’t be healthy.
When Did the Media Turn Against Taylor Swift?
by Nate Jones
Remember when Taylor Swift wasn't a villain? It's hard to imagine now, after a week that saw her go up against Kimye and seemingly confirm every bad feeling you may have had about her, but as recently as two years ago, a lot of smart, progressive people were on her side.
Games for grandparents
by Joseph Knoop
How the game industry is leaving today’s (and tomorrow’s) seniors behind.
The Guardian
Confessions of a killer policeman
by Raghu Karnad
In a state bloodied by decades of armed rebellion, Thounaojam Herojit became one of India’s most deadly policemen -- killing more than a hundred people. This year, he became something rarer still: an executioner who wanted to tell the world about his crimes
Blink-182's Back on Top, 98 Degrees Is Hot Again: Behind the Booming Business of '90s Nostalgia
by Steve Knopper
Plus: Temple of the Dog is re-forming and "Pokemon Go" is everything. What year is it again?
The Chronicle of Higher Education
What's Wrong With Public Intellectuals?
by Mark Greif
For starters, they can't figure out who their public is. Maybe they could learn from their midcentury predecessors.
"The End"
The Doors
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