In this issue, October 22, 2019 View it in your browser.

SLOs, Canary Deployments for Kubernetes, Hyperledger Avalon, Java Inline Classes, Blazor, Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, Smartphone-based VR Dead-End, High Performance Remote Teams

Do you want to learn how real-world practitioners are solving tough software problems?

Attend QCon London 2020 (March 2-6), a conference where you can make valuable connections, and share experiences and common challenges with peers and speakers. Take advantage of the early bird that expires on Oct 26th and save £615.



Ballerina: A Language for Network-Distributed Applications (By O’Reilly)

Get started with Ballerina, a general-purpose cloud native programming language that specializes in integration and contains features that incorporate current best practices for web programming, microservices, and DevOps-oriented development. Download the guide.

Ivar Jacobson on the Essence of Software

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke Ivar Jacobson about his work defining the essence of software engineering. (Podcast)

What language should you learn next? Or which one should your team focus on?

Read the latest Programming Languages Trends rand find out what InfoQ editors, real-life practitioners, think about this. Do you want to know where the other programming languages are going, according to data from different sources and our editors' opinions?

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Rasa Developer Summit: Production Grade AI Assistants

  2. Facebook Releases AI Code Search Datasets

Big Data's Ethical Drought: The Thirst for More Data Has Led to a Lapse in Ethics and Privacy

Katharine Jarmul provides examples of data (mis)use and ask how we can work with data without violating the trust and privacy of users, producing an ethical product? (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, Nov 11-13, 2019. Join us!

Building and Operating a Serverless Data Pipeline

Will Norman discusses the motivations of switching to a serverless infrastructure, and lessons learned while building and operating such a system at scale; focusing on operability, stability, scalability, and ease of development. (Presentation with transcript included)



HUAWEI Developer Day Web Summit 2019

We are honored to invite you to our HUAWEI Developer Day 2019 at 13:00 on 11.5 at Altice Arena in in Lisbon and to visit our booth (11.5-11.7) at the Web Summit. You will gain insights into the HUAWEI Mobile Services Ecosystem.
See detail agenda and other information.


  1. Ray Tsang on Tools and Best Practices for Kubernetes Adoption

  2. Microsoft Releases Azure Sentinel, a Cloud Native SIEM, to General Availability

  3. Cuts their Deployment Times on Amazon ECS with Custom Process Relaunching

  4. Minimizing Backend Complexity with Dark: A New Language with Integrated Editor and Infrastructure

  5. GoDaddy Releases Automatic Canary Deployments Tool for Kubernetes

SLOs are the API for Your Engineering Team

SLOs provide a simple common language for evaluating risk in terms of error budgets. SLOs save everyone involved both time and energy, which you can redirect toward more important things, like keeping your customers happy. (Article)

How to Evolve Kubernetes Resource Management Model

Jiaying Zhang talks about the current Kubernetes resource model and best practice guidance on managing compute resources and specifying application resource requirements on Kubernetes. She discusses some work on extending the Kubernetes resource model to provide better resource isolation, support more diverse hardware, promote consistent application performance across different compute platforms. (Presentation with transcript included)



Why are My Microservices Slow?

Discover the common challenges found when operating distributed cloud-native environments and how to approach them:

  • Performance and reliability
  • Tracing and call analysis
  • Bottlenecks and errors
Learn More.


  1. PARSEC Is a New Platform-Agnostic API for Secure Systems

  2. Open-Source Build and Test Tool Bazel Reaches 1.0

  3. Atomist Adds Drift Management Features to Minimize Process and Code Divergence

  4. Improving Blockchain Performance Off-Chain, Hyperledger Announces Avalon

Lightning Talks: Joy of Coding

In this series of short talks the authors address a wide range of topics from test automation with Cucumber, to technical debt, quantum computing, how to keep coding after 50, and others. (Presentation)

Rust's Journey to Async/await

Steve Klabnik gives an overview of Rust’s history, diving into the technical details of how the design has changed, and talks about the difficulties of adding a major new feature to a programming language. (Presentation with transcript included)


  1. Introducing Jakarta NoSQL

A First Look at Java Inline Classes

Java currently supports only two types of value: primitives and object references. Project Valhalla extends this by introducing inline classes which are a new form of type that exhibit some behaviors of both. These new types open the door to better alignment with modern CPUs and considerable potential performance improvements for Java applications. (Article)


  1. Blazor: Client-Side Web UI With .NET Core 3.0

  2. Advanced IoT Application Support in .NET Core 3 with System.Device.Gpio

Introducing Microsoft.Data.SqlClient

Continuing the effort to decouple Microsoft products from .NET Core itself, Microsoft is spinning off their SQL Server drivers into a separate deployment stream. This new package will be called Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and is intended to be a drop-in replacement for System.Data.SqlClient. (News)

JavaScript Private Class Fields and Methods: Three New Draft Specifications

Private class fields are finally coming to JavaScript with no less than three separate TC39 proposals that define the new capabilities. (News)



Free download: OpenShift 4 for AWS

Red Hat OpenShift offers automated installation, upgrades, and lifecycle management throughout the container stack—the operating system, Kubernetes and cluster services, and applications—on any cloud. Manage with simplicity. In the cloud or anywhere. Download now.

Smartphone-based VR at a Dead-End With Google's Demise of Daydream VR

Google's decision to stop supporting its Daydream VR headset seemingly marks the end of phone-based virtual reality, a vision that attempted to combine the use of smartphones with "dumb" VR headsets to bring VR experiences to the masses. Google's decision is accompanied by the BBC disbanding its VR content team after two years of successful experimentation. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Managing Microservice "Deep Systems": Q&A with Ben Sigelman

Three Major Cybersecurity Pain Points to Address for Improved Threat Defense

Three pain points every company must address when addressing cybersecurity include threat volume and complexity, a growing cybersecurity skills gap, and the need for threat prioritization. This article describes each of these in some detail, and includes recommendations for corporations to deal with them. (Article)

See what’s new in Enterprise Architecture including:

  • Practical DDD: Bounded Contexts + Events => Microservices
  • Event Sourcing: Bernd Rücker on Architecting for Scale
  • Q&A on the Book Managing Technical Debt
  • And more...



Building a Service-oriented Architecture with Rails and Kafka

Learn the basics of Kafka and how its event-driven process can be used to power your Rails services. In this article, you’ll also learn about practical considerations and operational challenges that your event-driven Rails services might face around monitoring and scaling. Read now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. The Ethical Role Testers Can Have

  2. Accessibility Testing: Convincing Your Product Owner

Psychological Safety: Models and Experiences

This paper discusses psychological safety that refers to a climate in which people are comfortable being (and expressing) themselves. A proposed model (called S.A.F.E.T.Y.) is discussed briefly, and the article proposes a path to how we can use this model in agile adoptions related to teams and organizations. (Article)

Velocity and Better Metrics: Q&A with Doc Norton

Velocity is not good for predictions or diagnostics, argued Doc Norton at Experience Agile 2019. It's a lagging indicator of a complex system which is too volatile to know what our future performance will be; it isn’t stable enough to be used reliably. We can use Monte Carlo simulation for forecasting, and cumulative flow diagrams to track work, see changes in scope, and spot bottlenecks. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Real-World Bug Hunting

The book Real-World Bug Hunting by Peter Yaworski is a field guide to finding software vulnerabilities. It explains what ethical hacking is, explores common vulnerability types, explains how to find them, and provides suggestions for reporting bugs while getting paid for doing so. (Article)

Continuous Improvement: Beyond Retros

Aurelien Beraud prompts us to look beyond retros and explore what other tools (Toyota Kata, improvement boards, etc.) and concepts offer to foster a continuous improvement mindset. (Presentation)

Did We Leave Leaders Behind?

Tomasz Kropiewnicki discusses what needs to happen to be agile: leaders need to go first, coaching not training, mindset not practices. (Presentation)

Becoming Agile vs Doing Agile

Rashina Hoda explains the key dimensions that need to transition during Agile transformations, highlighting what can be done to progress beyond simply doing Agile. (Presentation)

High Performance Remote and Distributed Teams

Randy Shoup starts with the organization itself - how to form teams, give them scope, and manage their growth. He discusses communication strategies for getting the best out of far-flung teams, how to foster & maintain the human bonds and empathy critical to good work, and explores the human side. By looking beyond a single physical site, we can find better, more diverse, more motivated employees. (Presentation with transcript included)