In this issue, November 14, 2017 View it in your browser.

Java Versioning, Microservices, ES2017, Scrum Guide, Practical Kanban, Kafka, Beam, Julia, IoT, IBM Cloud Private, Reason 3




Free eBook: Microservices for Java Developers (By O'Reilly). This eBook provides a hands-on approach to three useful Java frameworks for building microservices: Spring Boot, Dropwizard, and WildFly. Compare and contrast them through a handful of familiar patterns. Download Now. -1510214313528.jpeg

Apache Beam Founder Tyler Akidau Discusses Streaming System and Their Complexities

This podcast will cover data streaming and the 2015 DataFlow Model streaming paper and much of the concepts covered, such as why dealing with out-of-order data is important, event time versus processing time, and windowing approaches with Tyler Akidau. (Podcast)

Sean Dunn & Chris Edwards on Ethics and Professionalism in Software Engineering

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Sean Dunn and Chris Edwards about professionalism, licensing and ethics in software engineering. (Podcast)

Data Science Latest Content


Julia: A Modern Language for Modern ML

Simon Byrne and Viral Shah talk about Julia, a modern high-performance, dynamic language for technical computing, with many features which make it ideal for machine learning, including just-in-time (JIT) compilation, multiple dispatch, metaprogramming and easy to use parallelism. They demonstrate these features, as well as the tools to deploy these models at large scale. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Fighting Online Fraud and Abuse with Large-Scale Machine Learning at Sift Science

Jacob Burnim discusses Sift’s approach to building a ML system to detect fraud and abuse, including training models, handling imbalanced classes, sharing learning, measuring performance, etc.. (Presentation)



A Native Linux Experience on SQL Server 2017.
Learn more about the power of SQL Server on Linux and Docker, how it provides a native Linux experience with support for existing SQL Server tools, operational usage for relational & graph data, and more. Download the White Paper to Learn More.

DevOps Latest Content


Q&A with Connon MacRae on DevOps Adoption and Operational Models at Ticketmaster

Connon MacRae from Ticketmaster on challenges and successes adopting DevOps. Also how operations look like in a global, multi-time zone, 24/7 availability org with 14 different ticketing products. (Article)

Practical Monitoring: Book Review and Q&A with Mike Julian

Mike Julian has recently published Practical Monitoring with O'Reilly, which aims to provide readers with a foundational introduction to the topic of monitoring, as well as practical guidelines on how to monitor service-based applications and cloud infrastrastructure. InfoQ recently sat down with Julian and discussed the topic of monitoring. (Article)

Delve into DevOps: Articles, Case Studies, and More

5 Steps to Building a Successful Private Cloud; Understanding Cloud Native Infrastructure; Top 10 Adages in Continuous Deployment, and more. Learn More.

Development Latest Content


Key Steps to Building and Managing an Effective API Marketplace

Across industries, companies are now looking for ways to shape their digital businesses by extending their services through external APIs. To reap the benefits of an API program, however, organizations need to move beyond basic API management to creating an API marketplace, a specialized type of platform business model that focuses on connecting producers and consumers. (Article)

Joy of Coding 2017–Lightning Talks

Seven five-minutes talks: Can everyone be a programmer? Everyone has something of value. Event Sourcing from 1918 and before. What comes after Rock, Paper, Scissors, (Lizard, Spock). The joy of a microservices monorepo. The cool things we learn in our Coderclass. The Joy of Joggling. (Presentation)

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What .NET Developers Need to Know About Azure.
The cloud solution you choose can have a substantial impact on your .NET development life cycle. Download this eBook to learn about differences between Azure and other cloud solutions as well as innovations - like AppDynamics support - that are attracting .NET developers to Azure. Download Now.

Java Latest Content


Cybercrime and the Developer: How to Start Defending against the Darker Side

Steve Poole discusses actions one can take (and some behaviors one must change) to create a more secure Java application for the cloud. (Presentation)

Explore Innovation in the Java Landscape

Building Reactive Systems Using Akka; The Evolution of Eclipse Collections; Painless Migration to Java Jigsaw. Learn More.



How to CI/CD with open source tools.
Create your own continuous deployment pipeline, leveraging open source tools like Travis CI, GitHub, & Terraform.
Watch the screencast.

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

JavaScript Futures: ES2017 and the Road ahead

Jeff Strauss discusses some of the new and proposed features of JavaScript, explaining the ES.Next maturity stages and the TC39 review process. (Presentation)

Mobile Latest Content

Android Architecture Components 1.0: Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel and Room

Google has made available Android Architecture Components 1.0, a collection of libraries to design "robust, testable, and maintainable apps." The current components are Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel and Room with others on the way. (News)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

Confusion in the Land of the Serverless

Sam Newman introduces serverless computing, discussing how security, resilience, patterns (circuit breaker), vendor lock-in, and microservices are addressed with this technology. (Presentation)

Latency Sensitive Microservices

Peter Lawrey discusses the overlap between microservices and a trading system, how to make microservices easy to test and performant, and how to easily maintain a trading system. (Presentation)

Building a Scalable, Distributed Backend for Mobile Games


IoT and Microservices in the Home

Fred George explores the use of asynchronous microservices to implement a home IoT environment of heterogeneous devices, including lights and motion sensors on a J2ME­-like environment. (Presentation)

Why Do Companies Build APIs?

Alex Wilson discusses the reasons why companies build APIS including the financial reasons and the desire for digital transformation. (Presentation)



Improve web and app performance with caching.
In this new ebook from NGINX, dive into the benefits and how-to's of caching, microcaching, and cache clustering. Download the Free Ebook.

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Q&A on the Book Practical Kanban

The book Practical Kanban provides solutions for typical problems that continually occur within Kanban implementations. It explains how you can create a Kanban system for the entire value creation chain to coordinate the work of teams. (Article)

Culture: a Farming Tale

Culture and diversity are major factors for performance of a company, and influence its long-term success. Impacts include hiring practices, career development and direction, productivity, creativity, communication, and results. This discussion identifies cultural elements and their influence on behavior and production, and how diversity augments performance and company dynamics. (Article)

Q&A on the Book What Drives Quality

Quality is a critical aspect of all software products, irrespective of the domain the product is used in and what approach is taken to building it. Ben Linders has released a new book titled "What Drives Quality" in which he provides concrete examples and actionable advice to help identify and improve the quality of software products. (Article)

Build Digital Services, Not Websites

Syed Riyazuddin discusses how an organization evolved from delivering websites to operating multi-channel services by realigning the organizational structure with the Digital Service Standard. (Presentation)

Being Human and Professional Is Mutually Exclusive

Gitte Klitgaard discusses being human and having feelings at work. (Presentation)

How the Adoption of IoT Will Shape the Future of Corporate Learning

Sanjay Parker explores how IoT will impact corporate education and learning beyond 2020, and how IoT can fuel knowledge and learning for organizations. (Presentation)