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Java vs. Python: Which programming language is more popular for developers?

Java, Python, and JavaScript are among the coding languages developers are seeking to learn the most, according to a Skillsoft report.

Additional TechRepublic resources

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When to use an alternative web server

How developers came to mean big bucks on Wall Street

How to set up a Ruby on Rails development environment with Docker

As developer toolchains consolidate, Microsoft takes pole position

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Featured multimedia

Kubernetes: A guide for IT pros and business leaders

Kubernetes enables the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. This ebook explains why the ecosystem matters, ways to take advantage of it, and how it may contribute to the future of the cloud.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

How to win with prescriptive analytics

Analytics has evolved from the basics--visualizations, historicals and dashboards--to the more complex with recommendations and predictions of outcomes. Now it's time to step it up and get prescriptive. How do you set up an analytics infrastructure that sees around corners and gives you options to avoid a head-on crash?

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