Turning Hard Times into Good Times with Rick Rule & John Rubino

Rick Rule and John Rubino are this week's radio program guests.
Astounding negative numbers point to prospects of a "greater depression." Initial jobless claims of 3.029 million last week were totally eclipsed by a sickening 6.648 million this week! If that's not gloomy enough, Goldman Sachs predicts a negative GDP of 9% for Q1 and an obliterating minus 34% for Q2. For really successful investors, times like these are seen as times of opportunities. When blood is running in the streets, common traits among those who turn hard times into good times are a reality-based optimism that times will get better even as all those around them are blinded by despair. We can think of few guests on this show who better display those characteristics than Rick Rule and John Rubino.
Your host also provides some of his own thoughts about the current environment including some company specific views and strategies to address the sudden hit taken by junior exploration companies' investors.

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