Kevin Duffy and John Rubino return as guests this week’s program and talks about what happens to the economy when it dips into a recession.
Most investors make money in bull markets and lose most of it in bear markets. An exception is Kevin Duffy whose Bearing fund registered triple-digit gains in the 2008 financial crisis. His Austrian school economic perspective paved the way for those stellar 2008-09 bear market profits. But that same perspective did not equip him to excel when policy makers inflated financial markets. He has since developed a strategy for making money in bull, bear or stagflationary markets. Kevin shares his views of the current tumultuous markets as well as some of his current investment ideas published in his Coffee Can Portfolio newsletter.
John joins me to discuss his sense of the current markets and share his views on how he thinks investors should plan for what is increasingly looking like a stagflation environment that may in fact be one of much greater magnitude than that of the 1970s. Your host passes along some of his investment ideas in his monologue.