The Path to Monetary Collapse

Alasdair Macleod and Corwin Coe return as guest on this week's episode of the radio program.
Few understand the seriousness of the economic and monetary situation, whether a V-shaped rapid return to normality or a more prolonged recovery phase. A liquidity crisis that developed in the U.S. money markets five months before COVID-19 hit America has been forgotten. Only a rising gold price stands testament to a deeper crisis of contracting bank credit while central banks are trying to rescue the economy, fund government deficits, and keep the market bubble inflated.
Next problem? A crisis in European banks, wholly unexpected by investors and depositors. Now, when lending risk is soaring, their financial condition is more fragile than before the Lehman crisis. Failures in the next few months are a near certainty, leading to a full-blown monetary and credit crisis which promises to undermine asset values, government funding, and fiat currencies themselves. Alasdair explains. Corwin updates us on progress at Sitka's three gold projects.

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