Attorney Johnathan Judd said he could never have anticipated a result in the Moorhead mayor's race in which he defeated longtime City Council member Brenda Elmer by more than 10 percentage points. His opponent outspent Judd's campaign by nearly a four-to-one margin. "I would probably say that it speaks volumes of how far our community has come," Judd said. Check out the full story by the Fargo Forum here. | Election results | Forecast
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned as the country's chief law enforcement officer at President Donald Trump's request. | Trump celebrates GOP gains
The Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party and the Legal Marijuana Now Party both managed to garner at least 5 percent of the vote in the statewide races on Tuesday.
The speaker of the House from 2007 to 2011 is eyeing a return to that post despite calls from many in her party for fresh leadership. Wednesday, both she and the president spoke of working together.
Tuesday's midterm elections generated a surprising number of Minnesota firsts — changes likely to be remembered as milestones in the state's political history.
Hundreds of lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and queer candidates made the ballot Tuesday. And by Election Day's end, several of them had also made U.S. history.