In this issue, September 11, 2018 View it in your browser.

Jenkins to Focus on Stability and Cloud Native, GitOps, Golang 2 Latest, ASP.NET 2.2 Preview 1, Psychological Safety in Post-Mortems

What’s a “full cycle developer”? SRE Greg Burrell explores at QCon SF the decisions that took Netflix from siloed development teams to a more reliable architecture where small teams of developers operate the critical services. Early bird deadline is Sept 15th! Register using the code INFOQSF18 and get an additional $100 off!



A NoSQL Database Architecture for Real-Time Applications.

Download this white paper to learn about a new kind of NoSQL database architecture that delivers speed at scale for real-time applications while using up to ten times fewer servers than most other databases. Download now.

Justin Cormack on Decomposing the Modern Operating System

Justin Cormack discusses how the modern operating system is being decomposed with toolkits and libraries such as LinuxKit, eBPF, XDP, and what the kernel space service mesh Cilium is doing. Wes Reisz and Justin Cormack also discuss how Cilium differs from service meshes like an Istio, Linkerd2 (previously Conduit), or Envoy. (Podcast)

  1. Google Announces General Availability of Cloud Text-to-Speech and Updates to Cloud Speech-to-Text

Democratizing Stream Processing with Apache Kafka® and KSQL - Part 2

In this article, author Robin Moffatt shows how to use Apache Kafka and KSQL to build data integration and processing applications with the help of an e-commerce sample application. Three use cases discussed: customer operations, operational dashboard, and ad-hoc analytics. (Article)

Building Better Blockchain Use Cases

Wesley Graham attempts to explain why 92% of 26,000 blockchain projects started in the last two years have died. (Presentation)



High Performance Architecture for the Internet of Things.

Learn about the most common use cases and challenges associated with the real-time processing and storage of IoT-generated data; the common technology components, including in-memory computing technologies; and how they fit into an IoT architecture. Download Now.


  1. Jenkins to Focus Efforts on Stability, Ease of Use and Cloud Native Compatibility

  2. "GitOps": Weaveworks Explain Their Model for Using Developer Tooling to Implement CI/CD

  3. Azure Orchestrators Simplify the Creation of Stateful Serverless Workflows

  4. Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Azure IoT Hub’s Integration with Azure Event Grid

Atlassian Expands the Jira Ecosystem

Atlassian has announced a series of moves to expand the Jira ecosystems, including better integration between Bitbucket and Jira, acquisition of the OpsGenie company, and the release of an incident management platform called Jira Ops. (News)



Compliant Database DevOps & DevSecOps.

Including the database in DevOps and DevSecOps addresses increasing demand for data privacy by balancing the need to release code faster with the need for code to be secure. Find out how.


  1. Go 2 Gets off the Blocks: Feedback Requested on New Package Management, Error Handling, and Generics

Jupyter Widgets: from Button to Virtual Reality

Maarten Breddels introduces Jupyter, a learning web application, detailing how its widgets can be used in different programming languages. (Presentation)

Efficient Service Communication with gRPC

Petra Bierleutgeb takes a look at gRPC, discussing how its support for HTTP/2, protocol buffers, type-safety and others makes it an alternative to REST/JSON-based service communication. (Presentation)

Probabilistic Programming from Scratch

Mike Lee Williams talks about real-world data, demonstrating building a lightweight probabilistic programming system from scratch with simple Python. This is trying to solve two real-data problems: an A/B test and the German Tank problem. He also explores how to solve those problems using PyMC3, a probabilistic programming system. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Scripting with Luerl

Barbara Chassoul introduces Luerl, emphasizing its trade-off as thin skin on top of the BEAM ecosystem. (Presentation)

Sondheim, Seurat & Software/Finding Art in Code

Jon Skeet discusses how much coding is an art, what it takes to turn good code into great one, how libraries should connect to consumers, and applications to users. (Presentation)

Be the one that brings innovation to your team

Get your monthly guide to all the topics, technologies and techniques that every professional or aspiring software architect needs to know about. Recent topics include serverless, chaos engineering and event-driven design.

See what’s new in Java on InfoQ, including:

  • New Features in Java 11
  • 55 New Features in JDK 9
  • Haskell on the JVM
  • And more...



Reactive Summit Diversity Scholarship | Montreal, Oct 22-24.

Are you a member of an underrepresented group in tech? Apply for the Diversity Scholarship with a travel stipend, hotel stay & a comped ticket for Reactive Summit. Apply by 09/15.

Beauty and the Beast, Haskell on JVM

Jarek Ratajski discusses how a sample system performs, where the business logic is written in Haskell and middleware components and libraries in Java. (Presentation)


  1. ASP.NET 2.2 Preview 1 Debuts Java SignalR Client

Async Streams in C# 8

Asynchronous programming is an important technique for many modern apps to improve responsiveness. C# 8 debuts Async Streams, which allows an async method return multiple values. Bassam Alugili provides an informative introduction to this new technique. (Article)

What's trending in the .Net space

Discover what’s new in Azure IoT Hub, get a preview of ASP.NET 2.2 or learn to work with Async Streams in C# 8. See what you don’t know that you should know.

Ionic Announced Ionic Framework 4 Beta

Ionic recently announced a beta release of version 4 of their framework for building mobile applications. Ionic 4 focuses on improvements to performance and a more framework-agnostic approach by focusing on support for the web components standard. (News)

Tink is Google Cryptographic Library for the Cloud, Android, and iOS

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform cryptographic library developed by a group of cryptographers and security engineers at Google to help developers implement cryptography correctly without being cryptographic experts. Under development for the last two years, version 1.2 adds support for Cloud, Android, and iOS platforms, and C++ and Objective-C. (News)

Refactoring to a Deeper Model

Paul Rayner uses a case study to demonstrate how refactoring your code can lead to a deeper understanding of your domain model. Through common code refactorings, combined with the implementation of patterns, the codebase became more cohesive and easier to reason about, reducing the time to perform some common tasks from weeks or months to just hours. (Article)

Serverless Architectural Patterns and Best Practices

Sascha Möllering describes reusable serverless patterns, including operational and security best practices, discussing potential pitfalls, and what it takes to move to a serverless architecture. (Presentation)

Behavioral Economics and ChatBots

Jim Clark looks at a few strategies, including the ability to present information when it’s needed, actionable messages and the alignment of values with actual outcomes, and simply lowering the barrier to useful ideas spreading across groups. All examples are taken from a team of developers, and their bot, developing a set of cloud native services. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Smart Speakers: Designing for the Human

Charles Berg explains how product developers can create experiences that will be meaningful to the user. To build something that is truly useful, designers should focus more on the context of the user - where s/he is at that moment physically, intellectually, and emotionally - and less on the piece of hardware. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Rethinking HCI with Neural Interfaces @CTRLlabsco

Brain-computer interfaces, neuromuscular interfaces, and other machine-learning driven biosensing techniques can eliminate the need for physical controllers. Adam Berenzweig discusses what happens when we decouple the user interface from hand-held hardware, as well as the emerging field of neural interaction design. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

UI Evolving, Platform Evolving, Architecture Evolving

Xianning Liu discusses the core value of a technologist - to build systems which can help users connect with the services they want more and more easily. Liu explains the user interaction paradigm shift in the industry, and how to evolve the enterprise architecture to support these changes. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Psychological Safety in Post-Mortems

  2. Building the Roadmap for Portfolio for Jira

  3. The Customer is Not Always Right and Neither Are You

  4. Arnold Egg on Agile in a Dynamic Environment at the Agile Impact Conference

Using Checklists to Organize Software Development Processes

A checklist as a process organization tool has already made a good showing in aviation and healthcare. In this article, Zakhar Yung explains how Agile teams take advantage of checklists at different stages of software development processes including sprint planning, software testing, deployment and debugging, and discover their benefits for your own project. (Article)

Adopting Continuous Delivery at teamplay, Siemens Healthineers

Continuous Delivery is about working in a way that keeps the system in a releasable state throughout its development. This article describes how a large software development organization at Siemens Healthineers started the transformation towards Continuous Delivery. It describes the strategy and tactics used to gradually and safely change the development process in a regulated medical domain. (Article)

Product Manager? Product Owner? Nope. Outcome Manager!

Josh Seiden discusses turning Product Managers into Outcome Managers, measuring their effectiveness not by how much software they deliver but how much value they create. (Presentation)

Thinking Ethically at Scale

Yanqing Cheng discusses ethical decision-making with a focus on how intuitions don’t scale, emotion and instincts lead us to do the wrong thing, and how to do things right. (Presentation)

Expect Teams to Perform? Then Give Them the Tools to Do So!

Gitte Klitgaard discusses the tools provided for each team involved in a project and how they were enabled to build the foundations themselves. (Presentation)

The Optics of Kanban: Lens and Filters

Andy Carmichael discusses making better decisions by using Kanban Lens and filters. (Presentation)

Can You Turn It down a Bit?

Sallyann Freudenberg explores the flexible sensory working environments. (Presentation)

What Tomorrow’s Leaders Can Learn from Indigenous Stewardship

Jirra Lulla Harvey discusses what leaders can learn from indigenous experience, and how stewardship, community, values, and resilience that contribute to a different approach to leadership. (Presentation)

Psychology of Ethics 101

Andrea Dobson discusses why people behave unethically and what can be done about it, including social psychology research on behavior, ethics and company culture, and anti-patterns to avoid. (Presentation)