Plus, Trump's attacks on more than a century of civil-service reforms, and more...
August 25, 2020
Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Filthy, Predatory Finances

The son of the late evangelical titan may be embroiled in a scandal made for reality TV, but it’s not as tawdry as his Trumpian path to riches.

By Chris Lehmann


Donald Trump Declares Total War on the Civil Service The Republican National Convention is a testament to the president’s effort to permanently recast the executive branch in his own warped image.By Matt Ford
Republicans Invite America to Play the “Dear Leader” Lottery The RNC opened with two themes: Existence is under attack from radical Democrats, and adoring Donald Trump is the only hope.By Adam Weinstein
When “Police Reform” Came to Kenosha, Wisconsin Jacob Blake was critically injured when cops shot him in the back on Sunday. Six years ago, a new law was supposed to bring change.By Melissa Gira Grant


The Republicans’ Love Letter to Rich Culture Warriors The first night of the GOP convention was the dying gasp of the party’s feeble crack at right-wing populism.
By J.C. Pan
“Everything Was Destroyed” After Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, Glorynel Ojeda Matos moved her family to Arizona and began a Ph.D. in sustainability studies.
By Kelly Vaughn
Héctor Tobar’s Radical Road Trip Novel “The Last Great Road Bum” is a portrait of an American coming to political consciousness.
By Siddhartha Deb


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