The August crop production and WASDE reports were what Jerry Gulke expected: “There was enough evidence of headwinds, which have been around for 18 months, to adjust the demand side of the supply-and-demand equation if reports necessitated reducing supply and yields.”
USDA Makes Cuts to U.S. Yields in August Report, Analysts Say There is One Big Caveat
USDA-NASS trimmed corn, soybeans and wheat yield estimates in the August Crop Production report, which was partially based on a farmer survey that asked for conditions as of Aug. 1, 2023.
Grain bins are some of the most valuable tools on the farm. While the traditional design hasn't changed that much, the technology in and around the bin continues to evolve.
Most crop insurance proceeds this year are likely to be a result of a price drop, not a price increase, at harvest. As a result, don’t be surprised to find you can’t defer all of your crop insurance proceeds. Tax guru Paul Neiffer breaks it down.