Has there been a time when the acreage mix for the next crop year has been so hotly debated during the current harvest? What is your take on 2022 acres?
Op-Ed: American Farmers Face Crippling Prices at the Hands of Fertilizer Oligopoly
In an op-ed written by NCGA CEO Jon Doggett, he says fertilizer executives are bringing in climbing profits at the expense of farmers, referring to those fertilizer companies as the "Fertilizer Oligopoly."
Rural Bankers: Farmland Prices Rocket to Record Highs
For 12 straight months, the Creighton University Rural Mainstreet Index (RMI) has remained above growth neutral. For November 2021, the RMI rose to 67.7 from October’s 66.1.
Market leverage continues to move toward the cattle feeder as prices rose for the third consecutive week. Cattle on feed numbers were slightly lower while placements and marketings were near industry estimates.
Seth Meyer, USDA chief economist; Bill Brown, ag economist with Northwest Missouri State University; and Scott Brown, ag economist with the University of Missouri, talk markets this weekend on U.S. Farm Report.