In this issue, November 20, 2018 View it in your browser.

JHipster, Holacracy at Snapper, Spark and Uber's JVM Profiler, Google Cloud Scheduler, C2x, PyTorch 1.0, Babylon.js and WebVR, Kotlin, Swift, Kubernetes

Applied AI for Developers: Conference (April 15-17, 2019)

Connect with AI and Machine Learning practitioners who are driving the change in software. Join us for a practical AI & ML conference bringing together technical engineers who want to uncover how to apply real-world use cases in engineering. Save $315 if you register before Dec 1st!

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The JHipster Mini-Book 5.0

The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster. JHipster is a Yeoman generator that can be used to a create a project and generate boilerplate code for you. This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster. (Mini-book)

Miki Szikszai and Sandy Mamoli on Adopting Holacracy at Snapper

In this podcast recorded after the JAFAC 2018 conference Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke Miki Szikszai and Sandy Mamoli about Snapper’s adoption of holacracy. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Face-api.js: JavaScript Face Recognition Leveraging TensorFlow.js

Spark Application Performance Monitoring Using Uber JVM Profiler, InfluxDB and Grafana

In this article, author Amit Baghel discusses how to monitor the performance of Apache Spark based applications using technologies like Uber JVM Profiler, InfluxDB database and Grafana data visualization tool. (Article)

Big Data and Deep Learning: A Tale of Two Systems

Zhenxiao Luo explains how Uber tackles data caching in large-scale DL, detailing Uber’s ML architecture and discussing how Uber uses Big Data, concluding by sharing AI use cases. (Presentation)



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  1. Microsoft Announces the Availability of the MongoDB Atlas Free Tier on Azure

  2. Google Announces a Managed Cron Service: Google Cloud Scheduler

  3. How Checkly Achieves Zero Downtime Deployments with Terraform

  4. Building Production-Ready Applications: Michael Kehoe Shares Lessons Learned from LinkedIn

  5. Microsoft Updates Azure Event Grid with Event Domains, Advanced Filtering Features and More

How to Source Control Your Databases for DevOps

A robust DevOps environment requires having continuous integration for every component of the system. But far too often, the database is omitted from the equation. In this article, we discuss the unique aspects of databases, both relational and NoSQL, in a successful continuous integration environment. (Article)


  1. C2x Will Be the Next ISO Standard for the C Language

  2. Facebook Releases PyTorch 1.0 Preview, with Google, AWS and Microsoft Azure Integrations

Testing the Endpoints of Your REST APIs

Tonya Cooper discusses how to test REST API endpoints through unit testing the controllers and integration testing with Postman. (Presentation)


  1. Apache Releases TomEE 7.1 with Support for Java 8 and MicroProfile 1.2

The New Kid on the Block: Spring Data JDBC

Jens Schauder describes the current state of Spring Data JDBC, its features and some of the underlying design decisions, especially its DDD-based API. (Presentation)

Reactive Spring Security 5.1 by Example

Rob Winch demos applying Spring Security to a reactive application, highlighting some of the new features in Spring Security 5.1. (Presentation)

Securing Spring Functions by Breaking in

Guy Podjarny breaks into a Spring Cloud Functions application and exploits multiple weaknesses, explaining how to avoid them. (Presentation)

See what’s new in Java on InfoQ, including:

  • Spring Boot 2.0 Web Applications
  • The New Kid on the Block: Spring Data JDBC
  • The JHipster Mini-Book 5.0
  • And more...

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Babylon.js 3.3 Improves Particle System and WebVR Support for 3D Games

Building a Web App with Yeoman

Yeoman is an efficient open-source software system for scaffolding web applications, used for streamlining the development process. It is known primarily for its focus on scaffolding, which means the use of many different tools and interfaces coordinated for optimized project generation. (Article)

Spring Boot 2.0 Web Applications

Brian Clozel and Stéphane Nicoll demo a WebFlux application and leverage Boot features such as Actuator, Developer Tools and more. (Presentation)


  1. Google Adds Android Support for Kotlin 1.3 and Optimizes for Foldable Devices

Swift Adopts the Language Server Protocol

Apple’s Swift team announced they are going to provide support for using Swift with the Language Server Protocol (LSP). This will open up the possibility for developers to use Swift in any editor that supports LSP with code-completion, syntax-highlighting, etc. Apple has just opened the Swift LSP GitHub repository to contributions. (News)

Stateful Service Design Considerations for the Kubernetes Stack

At this summer’s QCon in New York, Jonas Bonér delivered one of the most popular talks of the conference with his focus on Designing Events-First Microservices. In this InfoQ Q&A, we asked Bonér to explain how “bringing bad habits from monolithic design” is a road to nowhere for service design, and where he sees his Akka framework fitting in the cloud-native stack. (Article)

See what’s new in Software Architecture on InfoQ, including:

  • The JHipster Mini-Book 5.0
  • Domain-Driven Design in Practice (eMag)
  • Building Production Ready Applications: Lessons Learned from LinkedIn
  • And more...

Be the one that brings innovation to your team

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Modern Java EE Design Patterns (By O’Reilly)

Download this report to explore best practices for automation, high availability, data separation, and performance while inspecting design patterns such as aggregator, proxy, pipeline, and shared resources to model service interactions. Download Now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Q&A with Katrina Clokie on Testing in DevOps for Engineers

  2. Think of Software as a Force for Good, Using Teal and Agile

The New Killer Apps: Teamwork and Weak Signal Detection Lessons from the Military

There are a lot of great teamwork and weak signal detection lessons from the military that can help forward-leaning leaders create the organizational agility and safety they need to survive and thrive on their own terms in this VUCA world. This article explores how teamwork and weak signal detection lessons from the military are becoming “The New Killer Apps.” (Article)

Blind Spots: Cognitive Biases and Systems

Craig Larman keynotes on how the brain influences forming of biases and leads an exercise on finding biases and countering them. (Presentation)