Good Morning! Today we have a detailed look at how Omnisend helped Jiggy Puzzles drive 69% of email revenue during COVID-19 with marketing automation. Added to this success, Jiggy’s two-part automated abandoned cart series experiences open rates greater than 60% compared to standard promotional campaigns, generating an RPE lift of 158% compared to standard promotional messages and accounts for 5% of her total email revenue. Also, Dan Dawson the Chief Creative Officer at Grand Visual, highlights the multiple applications for AI in digital out of home (DOOH) advertising. He writes: Dynamic Creative joins the dots between data-driven media planning and the mindset of a consumer at a given time, in a given place, making the medium truly reactive, and much more intelligent, as well as driving efficiencies. Benchmarking Survey 2020 We’re tracking six core marketing trends over the next few months to help you benchmark your response to COVID-19. Please complete this quick survey and see how you compare with others in the industry. Your answers will be treated confidentially. |