Your Selected Jobs | Regulatory Manager (m/w/d) VDMA - Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Brussels, Belgium | Koordinieren und Verfassen von Positionspapieren sowie Begleitung von Anträgen & Konsultationen auf EU-Ebene. EU-Interessenvertretung für Fachverbände „Druck- und... |
| Grants Assistant Coordinator (Eastern Europe) EED - European Endowment for Democracy Brussels, Belgium | Supporting the management of EED grants, in close coordination with relevant staff, focusing on ensuring eligibility of costs, monitoring the financial management of the projects... |
| Referentin oder Referent Europäische Digitalpolitik (m/w/d) BITKOM - Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media Brussels, Belgium | Du verantwortest unsere Aktivitäten zur europäischen Digitalpolitik in Brüssel. Heißt konkret: Du bist unser Gesicht vor Ort und vertrittst die Positionen des Bitkom zu... |
| Europe Partnership and Business Development Specialist SFCG - Search for Common Ground Brussels, Belgium | The Europe Partnership and Business Development Specialist is responsible for designing Search’s engagement plan in Europe and to implement it. They work hand in hand with the... |
| Recruitment Officer EUMETSAT - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Darmstadt, Germany | The Recruitment Officer will be responsible for overseeing, delivering and supporting all aspect of the recruitment lifecycle for the recruitment of permanent staff, ensuring a... |
Policy Assistant EASPD - European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities Brussels, Belgium |
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