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Joe Biden knows that Vote by Mail is how we can save our elections from Republican voter suppression. We’ll boost Democratic turnout and beat Trump!
Joe Biden
We need 100,000 Democrats in June to stand with Joe Biden and DEMAND Congress adopt Vote by Mail and Absentee Ballots >>
Joe Biden knows how to SAVE our elections.
Vote by Mail through no excuse absentee ballots is the ONLY way we can ensure fair and safe voting across the board in November, on top of boosting Voter Turnout, even through a crisis.
It’s the only way to guarantee high Democratic turnout and take down Trump.
Vote by Mail isn’t a novel idea for American elections: 3 states (Oregon, Washington, and Colorado) already conduct EVERY election by mail!!
It would END long lines, crowded polling places, and election-day chaos. Republicans won’t be able to cheat people out of their votes if they’re in the mail!
That’s why Joe Biden is fighting for mail-in voting. It’s our best weapon against Trump and his cheating Republicans!!
So we’re BEGGING you: Take 30 seconds and add your name to our petition to stand with Joe Biden and DEMAND Vote by Mail >>
Thanks for taking a stand,
Paid for by Stop Republicans PAC,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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