Happy Thursday! 🌞 Today, the unusual image on the first commercial Christmas Card, the fascinating “Clean with Me” video genre on YouTube, and a review of an exhibition by John Edmonds.
A Sidelong Glance comprises venerable portraits shot on a large-format camera that document the artist’s friends and acquaintances, often cradling, clutching, and ogling African art objects.
This year’s online edition of the venerable festival features movies about mourning rituals, reenactments of family history, cult survivors, and more.
Integrating ecological thinking with social justice principles in a rigorous and radical curriculum focusing on creative artistic inquiry and project-based research at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Apply.
Alex Prager’s “Farewell, Work Holiday Parties” at LACMA captures the awkwardness that ensues when a room full of intoxicated, mostly white people get together during the holidays.
Presented by Polish Cultural Institute New York in collaboration with Residency Unlimited, Searching for Missing Narratives will take place on December 15 at 6pm (EST).
At the New York-based, globally linked program for professional curatorial training, faculty and international guests provide expertise and a network of connections.