Detecting insider threats is easier than you think

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CSO Security Awareness Weekly

Apr 17, 2017
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John McAfee kicked off NYSE stage at Cyber Investing Summit due to security concerns

John McAfee told he’s a “security risk” and won’t be allowed to keynote an event at The New York Stock Exchange. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Detecting insider threats is easier than you think
Top 10 ways to achieve agile security
Why the board needs security leaders to fuel disciplined growth
McAfee LinkedIn page hijacked
What it takes to become a chief information security officer (CISO)
FCC privacy ruling could leave enterprises' data vulnerable

Video/Webcast: CA Technologies

Using APIs to Unlock Business Value

APIs are an exciting new technology for integrating applications quickly and efficiently. But APIs are more than just a technology solution; they can also transform your business. In this webinar, you will learn why APIs are so important and how you can use them to create new value streams in your business. Read More

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Detecting insider threats is easier than you think

Security experts weigh in on stopping the danger from your own employees. Access and security awareness training are the main themes to finding the danger that is within your own walls. Read More

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Top 10 ways to achieve agile security

Find out how to enable developers to do what they wanted, when they wanted, as fast as they wanted Read More

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Why the board needs security leaders to fuel disciplined growth

Peter Cohan shares insights from his career and latest book to explain the importance of security in the boardroom and what boards and security leaders need to advance their relationship Read More

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McAfee LinkedIn page hijacked

On Sunday evening, the LinkedIn page for McAfee was hijacked by a single person or an unknown number of individuals who apparently watched Twitter for reactions. The business page was defaced with random remarks, and at one point made a passive reference to a Twitch hack in 2016. Read More

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What it takes to become a chief information security officer (CISO)

A CISO typically has a technical information security or IT risk background, but the path that leads to the role can vary greatly. Here’s how one CISO landed his first job in the position. Read More

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FCC privacy ruling could leave enterprises' data vulnerable

The recent repeal of new FCC rules designed to strengthen personal privacy among consumers by limiting the uses ISPs can make of their personal data also has implications for companies who use these services. Security and privacy owners should consider the impacts of data collection on the enterprise, and look for ways to protect themselves. Read More

White Paper: Espresa

Using On-Site Employee Services to Drive Business Success

No one says it's easy to create and grow a successful business. Hundreds of factors contribute to a company's ultimate success or failure. Among them: having a solid business plan, keeping customers happy and loyal, responding quickly to business opportunities and threats, and-increasingly-leveraging cutting-edge digital technology and services. Read More

Top 5 Stories

1. How to deal with the bot crisis on Twitter
2. John McAfee kicked off NYSE stage at Cyber Investing Summit due to security concerns
3. Detecting insider threats is easier than you think
4. DNS record will help prevent unauthorized SSL certificates
5. Can AI and ML slay the healthcare ransomware dragon

Editor's Picks

1. 15 hot, new security and privacy apps for Android and iOS
2. How to get creative with your penetration testing
3. 5 security bolstering strategies that won't break the bank
4. What's wrong with this picture? The NEW clean desk test
5. Inside an attack by the Syrian Electronic Army
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