John McDougall, MD:
Coffee - Pleasure and Pain

Recent research has shown that drinking a single cup of coffee 30 minutes before memory testing reverses memory decline experienced by older adults in the afternoon. This research is encouraging however there are still risks associated with regular consumption of coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated.

Drinking coffee raises cholesterol by an average of 10% which could put you at a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes. If you suffer from high blood pressure, coffee raises the systolic blood pressure (top number) by 5 to 15 mmHg and the diastolic (bottom number) by 5 to 10 mmHg. If you have high cholesterol or blood pressure, you should weigh the risks and benefits of your daily cup of coffee.

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Watch your emails for a brand new mini-course releasing next week about anti-aging and how to live longer and better!
Live AMA with Dr. John and Mary McDougall

Join Dr. John and Mary McDougall for a free "Ask Me Anything" event on Sunday, July 24th at 5 PM PT for an opportunity to have your questions answered about longevity, cognitive health and aging gracefully. 
Register Here for Free

"I find myself thinking a lot about calorie density and the information about why eating fat, dairy and meat is harmful. At the same time, I really have found it helpful to think about the emotional, behavioral and physical components. I think the strongest part of the program is that it includes all of the elements to be successful." - Julie

Feel Better Than You Have in Years

90% of participants reduced or eliminated unnecessary medications in less than 2 weeks while eating unrestricted amounts of the right foods. 

Check out what participants have to say about the 12-Day McDougall Program!

This is not simply a 12-day program - we will continue to support you for an entire year and you'll become a McDougall patient for life. We will be there when you need us. Secure your spot today while there's still room. Contact us at to learn more or for help with your registration.

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Book a Consultation
Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? Book a 25-minute consultation with Dr. Lim, Medical Director of the McDougall Program, and have your general questions answered to find out if our program is right for you. If you decide to join the program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After completing the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns when you need us.
New Patient Consultation
We can only give you general information and not personal medical advice during this initial consultation because we legally cannot give medical advice unless you are a patient of ours.

One Day Sale! 

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 the ebook edition of The Starch Solution will be on sale for only $1.99 on Amazon. Don't miss out on this great deal!
Order on July 17

Kickstart your Summer with our Maximum Weight Loss Mini-Course

Learn the fundamentals of the McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss. This mini-course is ideal for those who are new to the McDougall Program, as well as those who want new encouragement and a refresher on the principles of the Maximum Weight Loss program.

“Thank you for putting this program together and sharing with us. I’ve been vegetarian for 10+ years but began my health journey 2+ years ago when I went 100% plant based. I finally lost the 30 pounds of baby weight that I was carrying for 25 yrs and feel like I did in my 20's. This is the fountain of youth, health and vitality! I’m telling everyone that I know so that they can be healthy too. There is no need to be overweight or sick.” - Maritza A.

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