John McDougall, MD: Eating Starches
Makes My Blood Sugar Spike

Dr. McDougall explains that it is natural for our blood sugar to rise after eating. The purpose of eating is to raise your blood sugar to power your body. In fact, some organs, like the kidneys require sugar (complex carbohydrates) to function. The body and brain's preferred fuel is sugar. Type-2 diabetics are commonly instructed to avoid starches by conventional physicians in order to prevent the natural process of their blood sugar rising. Continuing to eat the foods that made you sick while managing your numbers won't cure you. The only cure is to change your diet. At the 12-Day McDougall Program, we reverse type-2 diabetes. Participants are able to stop taking medication within the first few days of the program and begin to heal. 

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"The course was packed full of great information presented in a way that was understandable and motivational. The live lectures & chats made me feel like I was part of the McDougall family! The course exceeded my expectations. It was awesome!" Julie W.

Stop Managing Chronic Diseases - Reverse and Prevent Them

Our next program starts on May 13-24, 2022. Participants lose an average of 4 pounds in only 12 days while eating unrestricted amounts of the right foods. Save your spot today! Contact us at or 1-800-941-7111 to learn more or for help with your booking.

To find out if this program is right for you, book a consultation with Medical Director, Dr. Anthony Lim below.

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Is the 12-Day McDougall Program For You?

Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? We offer a 25-minute consultation where you can have your general questions answered and find out if our 12-Day McDougall Program is right for you. We can only give you general information and not personal medical advice during this initial consultation because we legally cannot give medical advice unless you are a patient of ours. If you decide to join the 12-Day McDougall Program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After the completion of the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns.
New Patient Consultation

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