John McDougall, MD Honors his Mentors
Watch Dr. McDougall as he shares a new lecture on his mentors and how their research on starch-based diets inspired and influenced his development of the McDougall Program and reinforced his belief in the power of dietary therapy. There were four men who were instrumental in shaping his career in medicine.

Denis Burkitt, MD - Back in 1971, when Dr. McDougall was completing his medical training, he went to a conference where Dr. Denis Burkitt spoke about the lack of Western diseases in Uganda. Dr. Burkitt recognized the value of their starch-based diet in preventing dietary diseases and became an inspiration for the title of Dr. McDougall's book The Starch Solution

Nathan Pritikin - While living in Hawaii, Dr. McDougall met Nathan Pritikin who discovered the power of diet to heal his own serious heart disease and then went on to write The Pritikin Program for Diet & Exercise and founded The Pritikin Center. Pritikin devoted himself to eradicating heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and obesity using food as treatment and prevention.

Walter Kempner, MD - Rice Diet founder, Walter Kempner, MD was a medical doctor, research scientist and founder of modern dietary therapy. Although low-tech, the benefits of the Rice Diet far exceed those of any drug or surgery ever prescribed for chronic conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart and kidney failure, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and obesity. 

Roy Swank, MD - Dr. Swank, was a personal friend, mentor and colleague. Dr. Swank discovered that multiple sclerosis and heart disease both occurred in areas where large amounts of saturated (animal) fat were consumed. It was surprising to find that those populations with a high incidence of MS were those who consumed more than 100 grams of fat a day; whereas the disease was uncommon in populations that consumed less than 50 grams of fat a day. For example, there was no MS in Asia.
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"So much information! This is the second time I have participated. I learned so much more the second time around because I was familiar with the basics already. Excellent presentations and love the morning chat with John and Mary."  - Diane W.

Stop Managing Chronic Diseases - Reverse and Prevent Them

Learn the tools to successfully lose weight and reverse chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and so much more. Our team of experts provide the knowledge you need to learn exactly how to reverse illness, overcome emotional eating, read and understand nutrition labels, and prepare easy and delicious meals all while creating lasting health-promoting habits.

What participants love most:

  • Being taught with live lectures (not pre-recorded) by a world-class team who truly cares
  • The year-long one-on-one support following the program (included in the price of the 12-Day McDougall Program)
  • Making lifelong friends with other participants during the (optional) daily participant-only breakfast meetups 

Registration is closing soon for our next program on March 25-April 5, 2022. Contact us at or 1-800-941-7111 to learn more or for help with your booking. 

Learn More
Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? We offer a 25-minute consultation where you can have your general questions answered and find out if our 12-Day McDougall Program is right for you. We can only give you general information and not personal medical advice during this initial consultation because we legally cannot give medical advice unless you are a patient of ours. If you decide to join the 12-Day McDougall Program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After the completion of the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns.
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