From John McDougall, MD

The Outstanding Results from Five Online
12-Day McDougall Programs

Since August 2020 we have completed five online courses with a total of 145 participants. The overall impact has far exceeded our expectations. Participants, on average, lost 3.9 pounds (1.8 Kg) during our online 12-day program, compared to an average of 3.1 pounds (1.4 Kg) during our 10-day residential program. Participants from the 2020 programs also lowered their cholesterol as effectively as participants did during previous visits with us in California. (Cholesterol by 22 mg/dL (0.6 IU) and blood pressure of 18/11 mmHg). As before, nearly 90% of participants were able to reduce or stop their diabetic, blood pressure and other medications. Arthritis symptoms were relieved, painful indigestion stopped and bowel function improved almost overnight. Reported to us during the monthly follow-up visits: everyone feels more energetic and healthier.

The exciting part about monthly follow-up meetings is the dramatic changes we see over the months - these were often missed during our previous shorter time together at our residential programs. Consider what our first group back in August of 2020 has accomplished. Without exception overweight participants continue to lose weight. For example, in less than 3 months Kristy has lost 20 pounds, cured her eczema and has endless energy. People report feeling better as the weight comes off, with better mobility, not feeling as stiff and are more active. They appreciate that our program is not all or nothing, and that if they have a festive event  such as a holiday celebration, they can eat less and healthier than they otherwise would have. They have also reported how even the traditional foods they used to eat are not as appealing as they once were.

Whether you have a good or bad day, our team is not judgmental and will help you get back on track. This is very important especially for those who struggle. We’re here to help you reach your goals. 

Most important, they can see that the changes they have made can easily be permanent since they’re on a very positive track with the McDougall Team’s ongoing support which is included in the online program.

We’ve made some additional improvements to the 12-Day online program. Chef AJ, a well-known plant-based/vegan personality, is now one of the chefs doing a cooking demo during our program. Also, by popular demand we are going to extend the weekly support visits for participants with our Support Specialists, Tiffany and Kori. This service is offered indefinitely, as an optional service only available for graduates, at a reasonable subscription price.

We are looking forward to bringing you many more programs in 2021. Plans are to restart our popular Advanced Study Weekends online. These events are meant to enhance your knowledge about nutrition, food preparation, medicine, infectious diseases and the environment beyond basic McDougall education. These will include outside experts in addition to the McDougall Team. I’ll be holding monthly webinars discussing challenging issues with our Medical Director, Dr. Anthony Lim starting in January 2021. Notices will be sent to you as new events are scheduled.

Don’t spend any more time feeling, looking and functioning at less than your best. Get off medications and avoid unnecessary surgeries by taking advantage of our “House Calls.” You will not be disappointed with the professional and personal care we will provide you, beginning with a thorough medical evaluation with “hopeful recommendations,” daily meetings with a dedicated Support Specialist, empowering lectures and casual morning breakfast chats with Mary and I - we really enjoy these mornings with you. 

Consider giving “a gift that keeps on giving:” the 12-Day McDougall Program for someone you care about. 

To learn more about the next 12-Day McDougall Program, click here

Contact us at 1-800-941-7111 or for questions or help with your booking. 

To learn about the McDougall Program for free, all of the information is available on our website - click here

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