John McDougall, MD: Ozempic - A Miracle Weight Loss Drug Mimicking Sickness

Ozempic comes with a hefty price tag of around $1,000 per month and demands continuous usage to sustain weight loss. Its common side effects include a range of gastrointestinal discomforts like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation, while serious concerns like pancreatitis, vision changes, and gastric issues lurk in the background. For those grappling with excess weight, Ozempic becomes a long-term or lifelong commitment because unless continuously taken weight gain is inevitable, yet its costs and challenging side effects pose formidable obstacles for many.

In contrast, the 12-Day McDougall Program offers an enduring and cost-effective solution to weight loss and type 2 diabetes. At a fraction of Ozempic's expense, you can shed pounds without suffering with side effects, and experience a revitalized sense of well-being. With a three-month payment plan, achieving better health has never been more accessible.

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