John McDougall, MD:
What Should My Plate Look Like?

Watch as Dr. McDougall explains how much starch you should really be eating to stay healthy. On a starch-based diet, there's no need to restrict yourself—eat as much energy-giving starch as you need to satisfy your hunger drive. We don’t portion control or count calories. Our message is to eat when you are hungry and until you are comfortably full. If you fill your plate with starches, vegetables and fruits, good health and weight loss will follow. 

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Spinach Pesto Fettuccini
Rice and Beans

Only Two Programs Left This Year.
Only 10 Spots Left, Save Your Spot for our July Program now.

For 35+ years, we've empowered people to lose weight, heal and thrive with a starch-based lifestyle. Last program average weight loss was 3.5 pounds and most patients were able to get off of their unnecessary medications.

Get your questions answered by the experts.

Join Dr. John McDougall for an enlightening exploration of your digestive health, from start to finish. From the moment food touches your lips to its exit, we’ll delve into every aspect.


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