TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 1, 2017

Why Bannon's Faux Populism Can't Save Sinking Trump

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

But it seems the administration's "economic nationalist" is all talk and no action on taxes and jobs. READ MORE»

The Right Wing in America Has Long Tried to Destroy 'Government Schools'

By Jennifer Berkshire, AlterNet

Historian Nancy MacLean, author of the best-selling "Democracy in Chains," argues that privatizing public education is a dream of the radical right dating back to the segregationist South. READ MORE»

The Triumph of the Idiocracy: How Narcissism, Stupidity and the Internet Got Us Donald Trump, an Accidental President

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

According to author Tom Nichols, Trump’s supporters appear to be in love with him. They worship him as though he were their personal road to salvation and happiness. READ MORE»

If You've Ever Smoked, You Should Load Up on These Foods to Protect Your Lungs

By Melissa Kravitz, AlterNet

A study suggests that foods high in plant pigments can reduce lung cancer risk. READ MORE»

The Racist Whammy: How Government Action Consigned African Americans to Separate and Inferior Housing in the North

By Randall Kennedy , The American Prospect

These policies harmed their prospects for financial accumulation, access to employment, educational advancement, and social acceptance. READ MORE»

John Oliver Exposes Alex Jones as Primarily a Pusher of Crap Faux Products

By Taylor Link, Salon

Jones encourages his audience to buy his products "ranging from male vitality ointment to paleo powder (made up of chicken skeleton dust)." READ MORE»

Outrageous Policy That Encourages Citizens to Act Like Anti-Immigrant Snitches Sparks Wave of Protest

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Fifteen people, including young DACA recipients and allies, were arrested at a protest in Texas. READ MORE»

Trump's Foreign Policy Boils Down to Pushing More Fossil Fuel on the World and Wrecking the Climate

By Michael T. Klare, TomDispatch

Donald Trump is sabotaging efforts to curb carbon emissions by aggressively promoting the global consumption of U.S. oil, coal and natural gas. READ MORE»

Bezos Amazon Empire Gets No Serious Scrutiny from the Media, Including the Washington Post, Which He Owns

By Adam Johnson, FAIR

The three most prominent U.S. newspapers haven’t run a critical investigative piece on the richest person in the world and his empire in almost two years. READ MORE»

The Painfully Ironic Dilemma: Trump v. Sessions: Who Do You Root For?

By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout

Jeff Sessions has a lot of friends on the Republican side of the Senate, several of whom have forbidden Trump from firing him. READ MORE»

Media Freedom Threatened in Narendra Modi’s India

By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet

Journalists and media outfits that report issues of social concern are often silenced by the Modi government. READ MORE»

Reviving the War on Drugs Will Further Damage Police-Community Relations

By Dean A. Dabney, The Conversation

Since neither drug users nor dealers consider themselves crime victims, deepening the drug war must rely on coercive tactics that erode public trust.  READ MORE»

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