TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 21, 2016

WATCH: John Oliver Totally Dismantles Donald Trump's 'Stupid F*cking' Wall

Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The wall is like wearing a condom to protect against head lice." READ MORE»

Paul Krugman Obliterates Paul Ryan's Stubborn Economic Ignorance

Janet Allon, AlterNet

Not even the looming "Trumpocalypse" is causing "respectable Republicans" to reexamine their wrong-headed assumptions. READ MORE»

Robert Reich on the Big Lie About Free Trade

Robert Reich,

Trade deals benefit corporations, not consumers. READ MORE»

Fox News 'Brainwashed' So Many Dads: 'People Are Being Bamboozled on a Massive Scale'

By Gary M. Kramer, Salon

Salon talks to filmmaker Jen Senko about her new documentary on radical right-wing media's terrifying effect. READ MORE»

Have We Learned Nothing? 13 Years After America's Disastrous Iraq Invasion, Obama Quietly Deploys More Troops

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Obama is the fourth consecutive president to militarily intervene in Iraq, despite pledges to end war. READ MORE»

5 Reasons Why Obama Radically Changed U.S. Policy Toward Cuba

By Marion Deschamps, TeleSur

Which factors combined and finally pushed President Barack Obama to normalize diplomatic relations with a country no US President had visited in almost a century?  READ MORE»

Government Witch Hunt for 'Insider Threats' Profiles Public Workers for Sexuality and Financial Troubles

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

In hunt for next Chelsea Manning, the program is targeting people who fit the profile of potential whistleblowers. READ MORE»

Clinton: 'Coal Will Be Part of the Energy Mix For Years to Come, Both in the U.S. and Around the World'

By Eric Zuesse, AlterNet

Hillary Clinton’s record is remarkably consistent, in serving the people at the top, by serving to them the people at the bottom. READ MORE»

Why Trump’s Manipulation of the Media Is More Serious Than Many Journalists Care to Admit

By Heather Gehlert, Berkeley Media Studies Group

The media’s inflated coverage of Trump is a serious problem in our politics and democracy. READ MORE»

Palestinian Rights Campaign Spreads to NYU

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

A proposed resolution by New York University's graduate school workers would make it the first union from a private university to join the BDS movement. READ MORE»

Indicted Bundy Ranch Militant Hand-Picked by Team Trump as Delegate to GOP Convention

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

This isn’t the first time Gerald DeLemus has gotten Trump into hot water for being aligned with an anti-government militia movement. READ MORE»

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