March 1, 2018 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

Johns Hopkins report: U.S. healthcare ’poorly prepared’ for large-scale emergencies

A report by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security found that while healthcare organizations are "reasonably well prepared for relatively small" events such as tornadoes and local disease outbreaks, they are less ready for large-scale ones such as hurricanes, mass-casualty shootings, and bombings.

News Headlines

Use ASPR-TRACIE resource to decide, plan for surge from seasonal illnesses

In the midst of the worse influenza season in years, HHS’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) urged hospitals to reach out to regional or state healthcare coalitions to plan how to manage the ever-growing number of patients showing up with flu-like symptoms.

HHS to help struggling hospitals in Puerto Rico recover while hospitals on the mainland take notes

As hospitals in Puerto Rico continue to struggle with recovery in the aftermath of the disastrous hurrricanes Irma and Maria, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has implemented a three-tiered strategy as part of the Trump administration’s ongoing relief efforts.

HCPro book excerpt: Situational awareness is an important part of high reliability

High-reliability industries and organizations are very familiar with the term situational awareness. In such industries, the term is not a passing fad embraced for a few short years only to be replaced by the next buzzword or catchy movement. Situational awareness is a foundational concept, and its importance in operational decision-making at the front line is recognized and categorically supported by leadership. In healthcare, save for pockets of very safe and reliable care delivery, this is generally not the case


Marketing Spotlight

Analyzing the Hospital Life Safety Survey, Third Edition

Your facility is explored from top to bottom for life safety compliance when life safety surveyors arrive on-site. Beat them to the punch with assistance from Analyzing the Hospital Life Safety Survey, Third Edition by doing your own in-depth analysis of your organization. Visit HCMarketplace to learn more!


Editor's Picks

Mac’s Safety Space: ’Tis the season for more emergency management goodness

March 1, 2018


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Matt Vensel
Associate Editor
Hospital Safety Insider

75 Sylvan Street, Suite A-101
Danvers, MA 01923

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