
Launch English-language version video series Anne Frank - After the Arrest

The Anne Frank House will launch the English-language version of the video series Anne Frank - After the Arrest worldwide on its YouTube channel on Thursday, August 4 at 21:00 CET / 15:00 EDT / 12:00 PDT. In three episodes, Anne Frank, played by Luna Cruz Perez, shares her life, thoughts and feelings about the time after the period she spent in hiding. On that day it will be exactly 78 years ago that Anne Frank, the seven other people in hiding with her in the Secret Annex and two of their non-Jewish helpers were arrested.

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Anne Frank - After the Arrest

Anne Frank - After the Arrest is the sequel to the Anne Frank video diary, which was launched in May 2020. In the video diary Anne films herself and the events in the Secret Annex, and shares her deepest thoughts and feelings. Anne Frank - After the Arrest follows Anne’s life story after the period in hiding. From an indeterminate time and place, Anne looks back on the events after the arrest – the last six months of her life in the concentration camps – telling of them in monologues.

Dubbed into English

With financial support from the David Berg Foundation, the original Dutch-language episodes of Anne Frank - After the Arrest have been dubbed into English, making the series more accessible and easier to follow for young people outside the Netherlands. 


What is the Holocaust?

Anne Frank was one of the million and a half Jewish children who were murdered by the Nazis and their henchmen during the Second World War. Altogether there were six million Jewish victims. That organized murder is known as the Holocaust. The Holocaust began with exclusion and ended with concentration and extermination camps. Extra information with the series Anne Frank - After the arrest.
Copyright 2022 Anne Frank Stichting, All rights reserved.

Anne Frank House
PO Box 730
1000 AS Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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