As we continue to look for the best and most effective ways to deliver readers the news of Canberra, we invite you to join The Canberra Times' new Facebook group, The Canberra Times Courts and Crime.

This dedicated group gives us the ability to share our court and crime articles in a way we can't on an open platform. And there will be insights and updates as well as the headlines that matter to you.

Why should you join our new page?

Because there is no voice like a trusted voice. It's not gossip, it's not secondhand information. We are in court every day and our coverage is led by court reporters Blake Foden and Cassandra Morgan and police reporter Peter Brewer, with support from our team of dedicated news journalists. 

We will share accurate information and updates, not just the headlines. The story behind the story, what happened next and deliver it in the most timely fashion possible.

Getting the right information is more important than getting the fastest information. That is what you can expect when joining this dedicated group.


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