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Subscribe to SAAM’s YouTube Channel Today to Participate in Upcoming Online Conversations

Registered for one of the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s upcoming hybrid programs? Subscribe to SAAM’s YouTube Channel 24 hours in advance to participate in the chat and ask a question that may be answered live by the participants of the program.

Not signed up yet? Visit our
calendar of events to mark your calendar for this fall's Clarice Smith Distinguished Lecture Series with featured speakers Roberto Lugo, John Yau, and Julia Bryan-Wilson, and the upcoming symposium, “We Are Made of Stories: Selfhood and Experience in Art.”

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Must be a subscriber to SAAM’s YouTube channel at least 24 hours in advance. By sending a message to ask a question, you are agreeing to SI Terms of Use and allowing it to be asked publicly in the live program.

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Image Credit: Roberto Lugo, John Yau, and Julia Bryan-Wilson, featured artists and scholars in the 2022 Clarice Smith Distinguished Lectures in American Art. Photos courtesy of the speakers.
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