Dear  ,

I’m writing to thank you for helping to us make MTD TV Asia Pacific’s top forum for real estate thought leadership as we pass the 10,000 viewer milestone for our programs this year.

For 2022, we have already put in place a full calendar of seven forums, with 23 individual panels and interviews which bring back our popular events on logistics, data centres, offices and innovation, as well as expanding our multi-family residential event and introducing new programs on REITs and investment in Australia.

You can download the detailed MTD TV 2022 program here.

Our talks with more than 60 speakers from leading industry players including Allianz Real Estate, APG, ARA Asset Management, Brookfield, ESR and Ivanhoe Cambridge this year have paved the way for more insights from top executives in 2022, and we are looking forward to sharing these conversations with you.

To find out more about how to add your firm’s voice to the Asia Pacific real estate conversation, you may also contact us directly at, and we look forward to working with you.


Michael Cole
Asia real estate intelligence
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