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Thursday, June 23, 2022
1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern


Sepsis 2.5. It’s what the CDI program at JPS Health Network named its sepsis criteria — merging early identification of CMS’ core bundle measures for sepsis (SEP-1) with Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock criteria for denial mitigation. Sepsis denials have risen over the years due to conflicting clinical, CMS, coding, and quality measures as organizations struggle to bridge these concerns and develop a working solution.

During this 60-minute presentation, JPS Health Network’s Stacia Gandee, RHIA, CCS, CDI manager, and Alexis Wells, MSN, RN, CCDS, CDI quality assurance auditor, explain their organization’s method for focusing on SEP-1 early identification at the beginning of the stay, while focusing on Sepsis-3 denial mitigation at patient discharge. Attendees will identify the difference in definitions and how to adapt JPS’ methods. Plus, you'll learn what worked for JPS and what didn’t during this epic change management project.

At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:


Define variations in clinical definitions commonly associated with sepsis-related conditions


Identify disparities between coding rules and clinical definitions related to common sepsis diagnoses


Develop a process for CDI record reviews to accommodate coding and quality outcomes

Understand the relationship between CDI query efforts and sepsis reporting, denial mitigation, and quality of care initiatives



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