Media Winners & Losers

Leslie Jones

Good news for fans of Leslie Jones’ hilarious live video commentary: NBC Sports legal wonks have calmed the heck down and decided to stop trying to block her from making people happy and will allow her to continue posting about the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

Jones has earned the appreciation of legions of pandemic-weary fans with her video posts, which highlight her unique analysis, unabashed encouragement for the athletes, and enthusiastic, profanity-laced celebrations of various sporting events — all filmed with her cell phone.

But, NBC is notoriously protective of their broadcasting rights to the games, as is the International Olympic Committee (IOC). As NBC News reported, the IOC had “cracked down” on social media posts with video footage from last summer’s Tokyo Olympics.

As a result, Jones’ videos were getting blocked, which she shared with her followers earlier this week in a post that stated she was not going to “stay anywhere I’m not welcomed.”

“[I’m] tired of fighting the folks who don’t want me to do it,” wrote Jones. “They block my videos and they get folks who think they can do it like me.”

An uproar ensued, and eventually NBC Sports issued a statement blaming a “third-party error” for Jones’ videos being blocked and said that the problem had been resolved.

“She is free to do her social media posts as she has done in the past,” said the statement. “She is a super fan of the Olympics and we are super fans of her.”

Jones made it a very public fight, and very publicly won. So did all of us who have loved her commentary and coverage. It is also a win in another way.

Media companies and mega corporations, despite it being 2022, have yet to sort out how to handle distributed new media in a way that protects their IP and bottom line without enraging their talent and customers.

This episode shows that simply cracking down on shared video clips isn't the airtight, forward-thinking strategy they think it is. It demonstrates that old ways aren't always the best ways. As social media becomes the most standard form of communication, these media giants are going to have to adapt.

Especially if it means they're going to be confronted by a social media powerhouse like Leslie Jones.

NFL's Jonathan Allen

Washington Commanders star defensive tackle Jonathan Allen issued an apology after listing Adolf Hitler among three people with whom he’d like to have dinner.

Allen attempted to engage with his fans Wednesday morning when he tweeted “ask me anything” and answered a question about with which three people, dead or alive, he’d want to share a dinner table.

“My granddad, hitler and micheal Jackson,” Allen answered in a since deleted tweet.

Dinner with an alleged pedophile, a genocidal mass murderer, and pop-pop? Poor granddad, getting thrown into that party. When asked for clarification on why he wanted to have dinner with Hitler, Allen gave a blunt answer in another tweet (which he has also since deleted).

“He’s a military genius and I love military tactics but honestly I would want to pick his brain as to why he did what he did,” Allen wrote. “I’m also assuming that the people I’ve chosen have to answer my questions honestly.”

After hours of backlash to his tweet, Allen thought better of announcing he wants to dine with Hitler and issued an apology.

“Early I tweeted something that probably hurt people and I apologize about what I said,” the Commanders defensive tackle tweeted. “I didn’t express properly what I was trying to say and I realize it was dumb!”

Allen, who represented the Commanders in the Pro Bowl last weekend, was also nominated for the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award for the second straight season, an honor that highlights a player’s volunteer and charity work in addition to their excellence on the field.

This is only the most recent in a rash of very public Holocaust and Nazi-related missteps and outrages. At this moment, The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg remains on suspension following her related controversy, when she said the Nazis engaging in genocide against Jews wasn't about race. And British standup comic Jimmy Carr sparked anger as well just days earlier over a riff from his Netflix special that includes the punchline “no one ever wants to talk about the positives” of the Holocaust.

ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt has said in the past what he brought up again after Goldberg's comments, which is that education on these issues is lacking. With Jonathan Allen's comments joining the list, maybe celebrities should be first in line for that class.

The A-Block

What’s Going On Here?

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson put a spotlight on Vice President Kamala Harris’ relevance to the ongoing mystery of the pipe bombs planted around Washington D.C. before the storming of the U.S. Capitol.

On Wednesday, Carlson delivered a monologue where he focused on the “very weird” evolution in the story of Harris’ location on January 6th. He noted how the Department of Justice initially claimed Harris was inside the Capitol when it was besieged by Donald Trump’s rioting supporters, but then admitted months ago that that was incorrect and Harris was not in the building during the insurrection.

From there, Carlson looked at the subsequent reporting about how Harris was at the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters on January 6th, the same day pipe bombs were discovered outside of their building and the Republican National Committee HQ. Reports have said Harris was just yards away from the bomb when her motorcade arrived at the DNC that day, and she was evacuated when the explosive was found.

Carlson raised a lot of questions that, honestly, do seem like they deserve answers. He also asked questions that make you question whether he really wants those other answers or is only asking them for the sake of implication.

"It’s all pretty mysterious actually," said Carlson in the segment. We know that feel.

In Other News...

Jemele Hill and Cari Champion Joining CNN+ Streaming Service

US Olympic Official Claims Credibility of Beijing Games is ‘Teetering on the Edge’

Maggie Haberman Details Report on Trump Clogging White House Pipes Due to Document Flushing

CHRISTOPHER: Trevor Noah Derided People Who ‘Like to Unearth Things’ When His Own Jokes Resurfaced — Which Doesn’t Absolve Joe Rogan

Must See Clip

"Burn what remains of the Confederacy down."

U.S. Senate candidate Gary Chambers has released a second instantly-viral campaign ad this week, this time featuring the Louisiana Democrat burning a Confederate flag.

Chambers first captured attention and video views when he released an ad that showed him smoking a blunt as he talked about laws he said represent an “outdated ideology,” and the need for a “pathway to legalize this beneficial drug.”

The new ad is titled ‘Scars and Bars’ and features the candidate burning a Confederate flag while he discusses voting rights.

It doesn't come off like a gimmick. It's a powerful spot.

Links We Like

The Cynical Spectacle of Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against the New York Times
- John F. Harris, Politico
Americans Are Sick And Tired: It's Time For A Time Out
- Tara D. Sonenshine, The Hill
Dear Olympics Media: Please Spare Us Your Fawning Over China's Digital Surveillance
- Andrea O'Sullivan, Reason
How Pauly Shore Accidentally Became a Gen-Z LGBTQ Icon on TikTok
- EJ Dickson, Rolling Stone
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