Fresh from Artechoke Media! The Underestimated Underhook Half Guard by Josh Vogel.
A deep technical breakdown of a fundamental position.
Josh Vogel is a Team Balance black belt and renowned instructor, a reputation driven by his seminars and classes as well as his monthly technical newsletter The Sloth Report.
In this multimedia rich, in-depth online instructional, Josh breaks down a fundamental underhook half guard position, exploring the in-depth nuances and details of the position while fleshing out a complete half guard system.
You think you know how to use an underhook half guard, but Josh’s knowledge and teaching ability will likely prove that you vastly underestimated the potential of this position. Learn the core mechanics of this key jiu-jitsu position and then build on it with a series of counters and recounters to build an unstoppable half guard system for your game.
This instructional includes: A complete half guard system of sweeps, counters, and recountersCloud format – Log in from anywhere to access the material60 DVD-style instructional videos180 animated GIFsIn-depth written analysis of strategy
At full price, this instructional sells for $50! Your BJJHQ deal price is more than 50% off!